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Oset Battery Age And Replacement


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HI all you Oset fans,

I'm THINKING of buying an Oset for my daughter, (if I can find a used one within my budget).

Of course I'm aware of all the advantages..BUT,..i have this nagging doubt that you dont get as much for your money as you could with a used petrol TXTboy50 for example??

Another concern is, if buying a used one....how long (in months/years of average use) could you expect a battery to last?..and if it needs replacing, is it very expensive, and easily available??...cant find any price for a new battery on the net.

Any ideas or opinions would be gratefully received.


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Stu I expect a set of batteries will probably last 3 to 6 years. The originals that came with our OSET are about 18 months old now.

I bought a second set so my kids can ride the bike for longer in one session and it cost about $AU90 for the second set from the local battery shop. They are a common size sealed lead-acid battery, like the batteries you would find in an electric lawnmower, or a domestic security system.


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i know there not the same but electric push bike batterys(sealed lead acid) so a fair comparision have lasted between a year and two and a half ,with an average of about 18 month ,they usually start to lack power after a while and loose range a set of three battery 12v 14 a cost roughly about

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  • 4 months later...

I've had a 16 for about 8 months and the batteries seem to be dying already. I put a bicycle speedo on, so I know it has only done a total of 50km. The batteries now get quite weak after about 2km of riding. Checking the voltage one of the two now drops to about 9V under load. I know lead acid batteries aren't great but was hoping to get a bit more life out of them than this. Have others got much better life? I'm wondering if I just got a dud battery or charger?

I also noticed the charger will stay on the red light indefinitely in warmer weather. If I unplug then plug it in again after charging for a few hours it will go green but not if left plugged in. Doesn't seem such a problem in cooler weather (under 30 degrees C). I wonder if this has damaged the battery by overcharging?

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I bought a second pair of batteries from Rapidonline.com as riding around a real trial in the UK uses them up much more quickly than around the garden or up and down hard paths.

12V 14AH, around

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