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Waterproof Gloves


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Hebo used to make a neoprene trials glove - the material wetsuits are made of. Because of the seams it wasn't 100% waterproof, but it was windproof. That way if your hands got wet they still stayed pretty warm, lasted longer than the ordinary gloves too but I haven't seen them for a couple of years now. Worth checking with your local dealer.

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Back in the day when I lived in cooler weather we used to use thermal glove liners. They looked like dress gloves, they were tight fitting and had metalic threads woven into the cloth that reflected your body heat back. A backpacking/outdoors shop should have a selection of glove liners. Polypropyline (sp?) is pretty good stuff and insulats when wet. In a pinch, the exhaust header pipe is a great hand warmer, however back in the day we wore real leather gloves, not the man-made material variety we wear today (don't get too close or it will melt on your hands).

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HI, a few weeks ago i purchased a pair of neoprene trials gloves made by "xciting" from <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central> trials shop at barnsley.they are the dogs b!!!!!s in the wet.i rate them 9/10 on keeping you warm and dry.

Edited by PHYSCO
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I ride in cold weather with the HEBO neoprene glove. As said above they are not waterproof but when wet they stay warm. The last longer that the normal ones and give great bar grip in all weathers.

I think you can still get these, check with your local dealer.

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