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Ssdt Charity Ride


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I've decided to help the Make-A-Wish Foundation which aims to grant magical wishes to children and young people fighting life-threatening illnesses while i attempt this years SSDT.

I know a lot of people are struggling financially right now, so only donate if you can. The total i raise will be matched by my private sponsors from my bike-shows so hopefully anything anyone can spare will be worth double.

This year I've dropped down from a 280 Gas Gas and have been riding a 125 which i intend to get round scotland on :thumbup: (seemed a good idea at the time).

My training's been going well and the addition of 24kg, 28kg kettlebells and a 50kg sandbag have proved suitably hard so far.

Thanks for reading and if you know any multimillionaires send them my way :rolleyes:

Billy's Just Giving Page

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Thanks for the sponsorship, its greatly apreciated. Soz if I don't say thanks directly as its hard to put names to faces. I've left my macbook behind but will be updating my facebook page and twitter with how its going through the week. Arrived this afternoon and got caught in a little shower. New raga looks nice :-) looking forward to tomorrow when it all gets a bit more active.

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