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As some of you might know I'm currently at uni doing a degree in Physiotherapy. The course is 5 days a week so it limits my time in which I'm able to work with private clients. For some reason students of a NHS/Medical degree only receive a reduced LOAN from the student loan company.

We can't really find out why as of yet and as we're a quite a small minority within the university (200 out of 30,000 at nottingham) we're not really being heard.

The loan has to be paid back when we finish so its not like we're after a free ride. If you've ever been treated by a grumpy, tired NHS Physio this might be why :rolleyes:

If you fancy helping us have a little louder voice could you join our petition at Oy Gordon Brown Sort This Out

Hopefully a few of you that I've pointed in the right (hopefully) direction won't mind helping.


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yo man i am too a student and know how tough the going is. i will sign up as last year i came of my bike and did a lot of damage to my shoulder. i had a physio student treat me and i have to say the stuff you guys do is amazing and also i will do anything to get any student more money.

good luck mate

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Just signed it, me i will sign anything, any more protests ? just a thought but has anyone tried typing who wants to start a revolution on google, last time i did it my computer nearly crashed.

They are queueing up I reckon to start a revolution the way things are going. :rolleyes:

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OK, so bo drinker has convinced me that there could be enough people out there to start a revolution, I feel a song coming on, so the question is how should I start one ? any ideas? don't worry billycraig I will make sure that part of any outcome will make sure students don't have to repay student loans.

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OK, so bo drinker has convinced me that there could be enough people out there to start a revolution, I feel a song coming on, so the question is how should I start one ? any ideas? don't worry billycraig I will make sure that part of any outcome will make sure students don't have to repay student loans.

I don't mind paying it back, it'd just be nice to get one in the first place :rolleyes: but if you insist...

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