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Lighting Wires

dr nick

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Pottering about with my 98 techno the other day and thought there was a lot of wires under the central plastics which made it quite bulky.I would like to make it easier to fault find and to maintain so want to get rid ,if possible.

There are no lights on my bike anymore ,but whoever took them off left all the wires behind.

anyone help me ,or know where I can get the info ,as to which wires I can take off without doing any harm...I did hear that certain wires have to stay on regardless of whether they are being used or not ,to prevent something or other happening :D



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  • 2 weeks later...

I rang Lampkins about the wires,They said to just take the loom off and it would leave 3 wires

2 Yellow ones

1 black

The 2 yellow should be joined up or the fan wont work

The black one just goes to an after market kill switch

can anyone confirm this pls



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started to strip the wires off as was told by Lampkins ,but....

using the electrical diagram in a photocopy of a manual someone sent to me,the wires are not the colours they are supposed to be and there are more wires than there should be.

eg. diagram says that 2 wires come from the fan ...one goes to regulator one goes to thermostat...but 3 wires come from fan ;)

that is just an example

by having no replies ,I take it no-one has has had a problem taking the wires off before....Ah well



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