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Sign The Anti Mp Expenses Petition.

andy m

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In 2004, the University of Leeds and Ipsos Mori conducted an online survey of 258 academics who specialised in 20th century British history and/or politics. Maggie came 4th

The BBC television programme The Daily Politics asked viewers (Joe Public) in 2007 to select their favourite Prime Minister. Margaret Thatcher topped the list with 49% of the vote

I think she will get a good respectful send off based on that.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_ra...Prime_Ministers

If she gets anything like a state funeral I and many others will be there to throw rotten vegtables on the old hags coffin. I hope she rots in hell.

Edited by Nigel Dabster
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If she gets anything like a state funeral I and many others will be there to throw rotten vegtables on the old hags coffin. I hope she rots in hell.

So I take it you weren't in the 49% then :o

p.s. So what has she done to you to make you hate her so much ? She didnt turn you down for a knee trembler did she ? :thumbup:

Edited by AtomAnt
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If she gets anything like a state funeral I and many others will be there to throw rotten vegtables on the old hags coffin. I hope she rots in hell.

So do you have an opinion here that you would like to allow?

Maybe we could trade Hillary Clinton? :thumbup:

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