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Munch You Got Your Bike Yet?


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personal insults :banana:

keep on topic :banana:

Sorry to go 'off topic' again Munch, do have you and Dabster got something going on?? fair play dude. your always there to defend the chap :P

reminds me a bit of this daring duo:

It's called having a mate, perhaps you don't understand this concept?

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personal insults :banana:

keep on topic ;)

Hopefully nobody takes any digs I have at them as too personal :banana:

I'll usually only have a go at people I know can take it (and give it back) and probably people that I actually think seem to be good blokes.

So if I never have a quick go at you, it's very possible that I think you're a t1t :P Nowt wrong with a bit of banter. :o

From what I've heard about the Dabster from people who's opinion I'd respect, he's a sound bloke who's willing to put a lot back in to trials, able to give and take a bit of banter, and and I'm all up for someone who's willing to put up a controversial argument now and then.

I can see the point about keeping on topic though....although the topic is still in there, we can always skip past the junk.

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so..... are we all agreed on which week is next week :banana:

Everyone i seem to speak to who maintains they don't want a 4rt says they are underpowered and an electricians nightmare

Sour grapes or truth?

i have not seen or ridden one yet so can not comment. personally i'm hoping for them to be a bit softer than the latest two strokes then perhaps they'll be more in tune with my delayed reactions :banana:

Edited by windlestone
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I have ridden the 4rt and is definatly not underpowered, in fact I was very surprised at how easily with very low revs it would pull up a steepish gradient. I don't no about the electricians nightmare, alot of 4 strokes are though when they go wrong. Who knows............but we will soon be finding out. :banana::banana:

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Very unlikely, the frames will be batch made and they had the complete bike at the euro round in septmber when I took the photos there have been 3 bikes in the uk since before the scott and the one I had a go on in Spain a week ago makes 10 with the ones they must have so frame problem, very unlikely.

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