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Week 114 - Knowing My Place!


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Its only right to note that some clubs excell. Yorks Classic ( Barry Pickard and Frank McMullan) usually have the results emailed to All club members and riders with an email address before 4pm on the same day.

Yeadon and Guiseley normally can be seen sat in the van with lap top in action as you leave each trial and Bradford colate and post local results often before the organising club get's them to competitors.

I didnt realise that so much cash is to be had, how much must Ripon have taken the other night with 172 entrants and all having to pay thier club fees as well!!

for around 300 quid even the most hard up club should then be able to invest in a simple laptop/notebook and with the help of a spotty yoof be able to get something simple rigged up to get results to all competitors ( how many envelopes would it save having to lick, sheets of paper to fold and letters to post)

make life simple ...

hang on .. perhaps one of the yoofs reading this could make available to clubs a simple proforma/ spreadsheet that only req. section scores adding and then lets the pooter do the rest..

Edited by totalshell
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At the Scottish Champs round at Banchory a few weeks back Janet Whittaker and Mrs Slapshot had the results up on a board within a few minutexof the rider finishing. Now that wasn't just down to them Ian Shankie can take a lot of credit for supplying the big caravan the ladies used that day and the big scoreboard, however, before this Janet would always have the numbers ready fairly quickly after the finish and laid out on a big set of sheets for anyone to read.

I'd have thought in this day and age it would have been relativley straightforward to do this or something very similar.

Edited by Slapshot 3
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Ties in with exactly why this website was created. It wasn't called Trials "CENTRAL" by accident. :thumbup:

Some have taken it on board as it was intended - I would cite Gordon Imrie who took the North-East Centre in hand. I know he has faced massive challenges on getting results from Clubs within his Centre online, but he took the spirit of this website as it was intended, plodded away and I do believe he's got the majority of the Clubs within his Centre posting results on Trials Central either same night or, if not, then as soon as possible afterwards. Riders in his Centre know where to look. They don't have to Google to find if an individual Club has a website and then wait for that site to post results - if they ever do. They can pretty much ride anywhere within their Centre and know they can find the results on here, fast and very often with photos to accompany the results. If we had a Gordon Imrie in each Centre then there would be no need for this column.

PS. Sorry Gordon as I know you'll hate me using you as an example, but you are damn good at what you've done and continue to do :o

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To echo points made earlier - todays British Champ results were ready for emailing almost before the last rider returned to the finish. Dave Willoughby does a great job and I'm sure the software or spread sheet he uses must be readily available.

The cost of lap top etc is well within the realms of most clubs and a simple spread sheet could be made fool proof.

I guess we are typical British and just accept what we are given but a bit of organization could see results out within a few hours especially with punch cards.

Probably easier for 4 or 5 club members to read and organize results before they pack up and leave the venue than leave it to an individual to do once they get home.

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Hi all

I agree with mr rapleys comments but I think most people, especially those who organise ,will take exception to the phrase " pokey little club" not every body can ride the nationals


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My club trials results are always completed, photocopied and in the post by Monday Lunch time and a report sent to the paper that evening. Riders who give me their email address will find it in their inbox when they get home from work on Monday.

Worse than slow results are results that are little more than a list of riders names with totals after them.

I like to take a little more care and produce a set of results that a rider might be pleased to recieve.


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generally agree with Mike although it must be remembered that some club secretarys might be a bit behind with the times with up to date methods ie computors ,emails etc.I would not want to knock them for this as long as the results filtered through by the middle of the week. What gets me is when there are levys for late entry,levys for not using local gazzette entry form,and after paying your money and supplying a SAE the results turn up up to 2 weeks later! then there IS a problem.

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During the last 5 years, one of our local clubs has not produced a set of results in LESS than 2 WEEKS, to my knowledge !!!!

Most/all other local clubs will have them available within 36 hours.

On the golf topic Mike. Last Saturday my first 3 competitors finished thier round at 10.15am, the last 3 men out finished at 7.45pm and all the results were posted on the web by 8.00pm, so the first guys had a nervous few hours !!!!

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Oours are always done shortly after the finish, usually by the ladies, then awards given. For those who turn in early and hit the road without waiting, it may be a while before you see it in the frigin internet!

I understand some leaving due to long drives, but! Don't complain if that is the case. It was done in a timely manner, you were not there!

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I guess it must be harder for your events in the UK, having so many riders. But over the pond here, even in Nationals, results are announced at the end of the event, awards given etc. Our club events see anywhere from 30 to 50 riders, as always, we sit around and have a couple cold ones while the results are tabulated. Then we get to heckle our mates as they get their scores announced, brilliant! Would not want to have to wait!

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I have written an Excel Spreadsheet that if any club would like a copy send me an email and I will forward you a copy. The first event we used it at had 70 riders with 30 scores per lap and 3 laps and the final results had been printed within a minute of the last rider. All count backs are automatic. The number of people we had in scoring was 2, well someone has to keep the drinks filled.

Here is a sample of the results output.


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