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3 D Trials Club Season Opener Munnsville


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Just a reminder to all upstate New York riders.3D clud season opener at Munnsville,NY. Sunday start 11 am.I am sure Bob will have some good stuff set up to ride.Weahter looks to be like mid summer,hard to tell this morning with snow in the air.Hope to see all there.JR

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I want to thank everyone for the great turnout of riders at sundays opening ride.Weather was fantastic maybe a bit warm but beats the cold and snow days in the past.Bob layed out ten nice challenging sections for all classes.

Biff got the long distance award for rider who drove the most,Thanks for coming out Dave and dragging dad out to ride.I think Biff got some good practice for his home event next weekend.

Good day had by all,hope all the rides this year can have same turnout.JR

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Great event 3D crew! I was tired and really just not putting my head into the game. Your expert is just about the same as our expert here in Michigan. After riding in the extreem heat (odd for upstate NY) I drove 10 hours back home and arrived in the driveway at about 3 am this morning. I suspect that today at work will be a productive one... HA! Good times. Thanks again.


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