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well done, to all.

Just heard a few have probably gone clean which sounds about right on such a poor day.

has there been a wetter one ever ?

Wednesday...1986..... the long run day over 95mm of radioactive rain fell on Fort William. Radioactive because of all the crap it brought from Chernobyl. I went to Chairlift that day when I arrived the water was just bubbling over the rocks, when I left it was about three feet deep. Last man in that night came in between car headlights about 830pm. That whole week was stupidly wet

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Credit to ALL involved in getting a route and sections sorted for today.

A fantastic effort! :wall:

As above a massive effort by all involved, to plot a day in the highest profile trial in the world in less time it takes most to do a Saturday afternoon club trial.:moon:

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well done, to all.

Just heard a few have probably gone clean which sounds about right on such a poor day.

has there been a wetter one ever ?

Praise from Dabster is praise indeed, so I will make sure it's passed on!

Mark did a fantastic job in getting routes planned and approved in a matter of hours, and the guys on the hill worked a mammoth day yesterday in absolutely horrific weather conditions - they didn't just have to lay out yesterday's route in front of the trial, they also had to go back out and lay today's route in the afternoon and how they're up cheery and smiling at 7am this morning is just beyond me! Mind you, they did have a bit of bar-time relaxation last night, so that will have helped!

There may have been other years where the weather's been crap, but the guys laying out are all saying that in their entire time with the trial (and in some cases that's nigh on forty years!) they've never seen anything like this.

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Problem is that the western side of Scotland hasn't really had much of a "dry" spell this year therefore the water table is much higher than normal to start with, the rain since last week has done nothing but raise flood levels. Last year most of April had been dry so not only was the weather great the moors were generally pretty dry.

I can't actually remember a low as deep as this one has been at this time of year for ages and the ones there have been have come from a southerly aspect rather than sit off the north west coast for he whole week. I know how wet it was last weekend, I'd dread to see the state of some of the moors now.

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Wednesday...1986..... the long run day over 95mm of radioactive rain fell on Fort William. Radioactive because of all the crap it brought from Chernobyl. I went to Chairlift that day when I arrived the water was just bubbling over the rocks, when I left it was about three feet deep. Last man in that night came in between car headlights about 830pm. That whole week was stupidly wet

Sure that was the year when the river along the Mamore Road crossing to the sections at Callert was high and the first few riders drowned their bikes.

We got our time cards rode into the Car Park and were put on Delay!!!! They eventually re-routed us down the road to Kinlochleven.

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