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Best Love Songs


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Zipper, get me some tissue!

I would not mind throwing that into my I-pod love songs mix, if i could get the I-pod to work!

I tossed the I pod I got from daughter, screw that! I tunes = I want more money!

I just have a radio! I don't have to buy anything! And I don't have to mess with it much, as there are 5 presets, 2 are not used! :thumbup:

Consider yourself lucky I was clicking enough on the other crap on utube to get what I got, still cannot seem to copy the soundtracks, so basically useless junk unless I happen to be on the computer. Reminds me of another post I will supply! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
Here is a song for those who are deeply in love - anyone married need not listen :wacko:


Actually, as I cannot pull up the u-tube at work, I had meant to get back to this link and did not untill tonight. WoW!

This guy has some real music listed on the tube! And a good name to go with it!

Not sure where this guy is from yet, music to me seems a bit cajon, creole, with a good rap that is comprehendable, and a bit of reggae?

Means he is probably from New York(joke)! Instead of New Orleans! Bit repetitive, yet I can deal with it, as my taste in music is pretty wide and varied.


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Vai has his own technical style, ok, but back to basics, I like basics! This studio version from SRV, combined with the graphics, still employs the meat and soul of the song, even with his own graceful style.

This song could go on all night on repeat and never offend me really! Does anyone here recall when LP's or cassettes would just doo that? :mellow:

Till the morning! More SRV

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems Whitney is in a comeback! New release after years of layoff! Roumours of drug abuse and other problems typical of many, Pity!

After 15 or so years, seemed the voice was not quite the same when I viewed her live on the new release, was kind of an off song so cannot judge, yet I do not think the old spark was quite there. Although she did look well and apparently has a number of new songs.

Youth has its virtue, even for a near goddess

We shall see! Still has more than many!

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  • 2 weeks later...
This song has been done by many, but this old(now) version will still bring you to the edge!

I think this link broke from earlier, I still heart this song!

Found this, based on the original start of this thread, a bit too- for me but not bad for a live show, she does have gospel roots, that grow all the way up to the near perfect a--,


Done Here!

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