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Week 123 - Where's The Difference?


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Amazing isn't it. I write a column and don't expect to get any postings, then all of a sudden there are 15 and Stefan Merriman pops into the equation.

I wrote a big article for TMX about Merriman in July 1997, can't remember what I said, but I do recall that he was fairly good on an Aprilia for Malcolm Rathmell, then was very good road racing back home until he ran out of money and then came over to Europe to take on the enduro boys where he was supreme.

As I recall, he was the outright winner of the 2001 ISDE in France and I remember watching him on the final motocross and he was fantastic, really, really in a class of his own.

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You may not get many replys to all your contributions Mike, but I'm sure, like me, many members look forward to your thoughts on such a wide range of motorcycle related issues. Is not hard to see why youve been around as a scribe for so long with your personal motorcycling experience and being so conversant with pretty much all issues you raise. No matter were we live in the world, much of the nitty gritty you bring to this forum are faced by us all, and it is really great to hear the thoughts of like minded people on these points you raise. Thanks.

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You may not get many replys to all your contributions Mike, but I'm sure, like me, many members look forward to your thoughts on such a wide range of motorcycle related issues. Is not hard to see why youve been around as a scribe for so long with your personal motorcycling experience and being so conversant with pretty much all issues you raise. No matter were we live in the world, much of the nitty gritty you bring to this forum are faced by us all, and it is really great to hear the thoughts of like minded people on these points you raise. Thanks.

I worry about your sanity Steveo !!!!

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The bike of choice for the extreme events is not just the lightest its all about the rider. Knighter is i'd say 16 stone and Taddy 12 stone. Knighter had some unconvincing rides at last year in america at the GNCC on a 250cc 2-smoke and switched back to a 450cc 4-smoke. Don't forget Knighter was leading Taddy at the Tough One on his 450 before he broke it. Lampkin is a little smaller than Knighter and Jarvis is smaller still, but both are bigger than Taddy. I'd like to see Lampkin on the 310cc 4-stroke Husquavarna and Jarvis on the 250cc 2-stroke i think these bikes would suit them best. Taddy, when i see him last ride a Hawkstone was fast and dangerous in the sections unlike Jarvis who is was calm. Taddy has that nutter edge about him he's a brillaint extreme rider but i don't think he'll be anything more than this, whereas Lampkin and Jarvis could go onto WEC and win....and doesn't Knighter train Lampkin they both live in the Isle of Man.

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