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Mont 349 Crank Seals Question


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Got loads of parts for the engine rebuild, and have a question about the crank seals.

Where the crank bearings sit the shaft diameter is 25mm, and where the seals contact its slightly less, around 24.95mm, presumably to allow the bearing to slide on easier.

The seal areas have now been ground down to 24.85mm

The original seals were double-lipped (ie two opposite facing lips, with springs), and 25mm internal diameter.

The new seals are single lipped and 24mm internal diameter

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High Steve

247.348 have the same seals part no 0099.2540D (internal diameter 25 external 40) both sets that I have fitted have been single lipped and so where the old ones

part no changes for the 349 although the parts book I have is for the final version and is 0099.2540SDE (same sise)I haven't had to replace these but i guess that if double lipped are standard it would be to deal with increased crankcase compression

where did you get the 24 from? if it is from the company that ground down the crank? if so it would be to deal with the grind down perhaps but seems to be a bit tight

i'd see if anyone else can shed light on the double lip question or contact http://www.brt-bearings.com they say that they can manufature oil seals to individual requirements ie 24.85mm they would also now if "SDE" means double lips

have you got a decompressor yet? you'll need it

cheers Ian

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