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Severity Of Trials


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I think the club's need to start putting in the reg's that a certain route will require stop and hop.

I don't get this idea of making a couple of sections in a route so hard that only 10 rider's can ride it and the rest get off there bikes to ask for five's,what's the point in that.

Then the ex centre champions and pot hunters can still win and the rest of us can have a good days fun riding our bikes without killing ourselfs or smashing the cra* out of our bikes ,and go to work the next day. :wacko:

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Good thread this, and lots of valid points of view.

I'm happy to report that in the Sarf Midlands, it looks about right from where I sit.

I have no problem with being challenged on my clubman trials, but want it to be fair and at a level I expect. If I HAD to hop and bounce, I don't think I'd bother. It means learning a new way of riding that I simply don't want to and have no time or opportunity to practice. Am I a luddite? Is it progress to expect us all to learn this? Maybe, and our terrain doesn't allow the most flowing of natural challenges so I can understand the CofC having to mark tight sections.

I think the key is the word 'Majority'. If you have 3 clubmen finishing clean every time, it may be they would be better off in the 50/50 class. If everyone is clean, the trial is a touch easy!

To me, the definition of a clubman route is one where it can be ridden no stop (if you wish) WITHOUT the need for trick cycling, there is minimal risk of injury and there most riders will lose 10-80 marks or thereabouts. That's lovely in my book.


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50/50 is the best way In my opinion, keeps the middle route as it is now, the better middle route riders who fancy abit more of a challenge can go 50/50 and the getting abit old for 6 foot splats(Me :wacko: ) can drop down to 50/50 instead of the middle route. Yes more marking needed but only on the start boards. The western centre hard route has got to hard for me to enjoy these days and the middle route may be to easy so 50/50 would suit me and plenty like me in the future.

Saying that though it depends on the club, Stratford hard route, Earl shilton etc are fine for me to get through and wouldnt want anything easier or harder, some of the riders behind me though (not many) must struggle abit in places but would find the B route to easy

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