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I'm new here.

Great site! I've already used the tech section to help me setup my carb !

Anyway My first Ramble ! :lol:

I stopped off at a piece of land today where we used to practice.

The owner has been orderd to cease any motorsport activities due to a noise complaint from a nearby resident, I called in to see how things were going !

He now has a 14/28 Day Permittted Development order on his land starting from Jan 1st 2005.

Whilst trying to enlighten myself on what this meant I came upon this LARA Site and as I found no reference to it on Trials Central I thought I'd list some links as it makes for interesting reading...



The 1st link is the main site and the 2nd makes for some interesting reading concerning the Scott Trial and some of the planning problems it has faced in recent times !

Back to the land I mentioned above !

Before going to court the land owner banned MX bikes and laid out rules basically stating that all bikes using the land must be pushed and engines started only when reaching a point marked 300m (approx) from neighbouring property.

But it was too late ! When the court case came up video was shown depicting some idiot tanking up and down the access road (where bikes should be pushed the idiot was on an MX bike and had no helmet) As the land owner had banned MX bikes and will not open the gate to anyone without a Helmet and Boots.............. well, all I will say is this, The Owner had not let him in and a video camera appeared and shot film of the 'event'. ;)

No Video footage appeared of any trials practice in progress tho !?

Some of you in the Midlands Area will know the location in Rugeley that I am rambling on about ! If you fancy writing a letter to the local council then PM me and I will pass on the address.

The owner is reluctant to accept a 14/28 Day rule as the land was used day in day out for years with no complaints until a new resident appeared.

As I said I can pass on the address of the council to people within say, a 50 mile radius? but if anyone else wants to sign a petition just send your Trials Central screen name and Email address to me and I will add it to the list of concerned parties !

Many Thanks


P.S. Any advice from anyone who has had to 'fight for the right' would be wost welcome ?!

Edited by Spokes
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I think the land situation can only get worse. I read in the ACU Handbook that last year (2003) it was a threat to change planning regulations (14/28 day rule) which was fought successfully by LARA but this year and next year further threats are in the pipeline.

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Gonna pass on the LARA info to the land owner this weekend.

He says that a guy from 'up north' is travelling down soon to give some guidance on planning and to gather noise readings etc. ?

The court rulings have only been based on a one sided argument so far.

i.e. the opinion of the complainant and his dubious 'evindance' !

Think the owner is gonna go for broke and submit an application in the new year.

The one thing that the courts dont know is that a Frieght rail line runs between the 'Trials Land' and the residents home, and is constantly carting coal to the nearby Power Station.

Pretty sure that the train makes a fair bit of noise as do the heavy presses in the factory close by !

Personally I think it will go in our favour but you never know ? ;)

Thanks for the comments so far .......

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