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Honda Tl125 Lighting Problem


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Hi All,

I've got a '78 TL125 which I'm using initially to get my two wheel sense on before going DAS and hoping to get a late 60's Triumph trophy. I want to keep the TL though and have a bash at twinshock trials. It will also be good for my son as a field bike.

I've got a problem with the electrics. My headlight woks fine but the indicators and rear light/brakelight aren't working. I've gone over the wiring loom and everything seems to be pushed into where it should be. Fuse is ok and the indicators etc worked when I bought the bike a couple of months ago and until last week.

Anyone got any ideas what I'm missing here?



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Thanks for the info'.

I've checked the earth and it seems o.k.

I'll have to get a multimeter to see what the batter's doing although it appears new. But wouldn't the lights be on regardless of the state of the battery as the alternator would /should provide enough juice for the light when the bike's running. (Sorry if this appears to be a no-brainer question - bikes are not my area of expertise - yet!)


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Gday, The lights generally run direct off the lighting coil, but indicators and things use the battery as well, to maintain a consistent voltage when the bike idles. Check the battery out and make sure all your connections are clean and bright as mentioned above. Also check the correct voltage and wattage bulbs are fitted. That should sort it out.



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Yep, it's the battery !! Well diagnosed that man ! Low water. Could it be a problem i will get a lot as the TL's weren't meant to be ridden a lot with the lights on ?

Can anyone give me a supplier of batteries for the TL please ?



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