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I broke my collar bone at the end of may and it is still not healed ( I can feel it move around still in 2 pieces on x-rays etc etc)

I have another check up appointment on the 14th of september, as well as a surgery date of oct 6th if it hasn't healed by then)

has this kind of thing happened to anyone on here? they said it is a pretty rare occurrence but that it does happen.

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I broke my collar bone at the end of may and it is still not healed ( I can feel it move around still in 2 pieces on x-rays etc etc)

I have another check up appointment on the 14th of september, as well as a surgery date of oct 6th if it hasn't healed by then)

has this kind of thing happened to anyone on here? they said it is a pretty rare occurrence but that it does happen.

Overall, a very common injury. The arm must be immobilized for the bones to take back together, not always straight!

A look at a skeleton will reveal just how fragile that bone really is.

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I smashed my one in September 2005 and it didn't knit back until late December. It was a very bad break (in lots of bits) and didn't show any signs of healing until an xray in December. Its now fine but still well out of line. They were speaking about an operation after December if there was no sign on recovery but it came in the end. The other option they discussed was leaving it broken as the op was thought to be a very last resort with complications and long term hip and shoulder problems.

I hope you start to heal soon its not good.

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Broken both sides in the past but never had any problems really, three to four weeks healing time.

The idiot son has had a few issues, think he's reached 5 different breaks unfortunately 4 have been on the right side. The last time the docs offered to put a titanium plate in it straight away but he has continued to refuse because the next time it could be his shoulder he wrecks rather than the collar bone, he reckons keeping the weak link could stop him having a bigger problem later, guess it's one of those times where being a radiography student helps!!

I hasten to add, I was only responsible for one of them :lol:

Edited by Slapshot 3
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Hey I am an expert on this having done both????

First one clean break with an overlap, healed no problem but had a big lump so they opened it up got the planer out and shaved a bit off and is fine.

Other side made a right mess in several pieces, but was allowed to heal on its own, which it nearly did but was very flexable, this did not stop me riding, but the surgeon suggested he open it up, break it, line it up and plate and screw it together. To this day I now have a 4 inch plate and 8 screws holding it all together. They gave me the option of removing the plate, but it is still in and causes much amusements at the Airpotrs through baggage control!!!!

When putting the plate in the first screw was too long and eventually annoyed me catching another bone, 2 years later under local anasthetic they opened it up again got the cordless drill out and removed the screw, I was even allowed to choose the replacement screw they were going to put back in...............................sure I had one in the garage that size :)

Still riding and gives me no problemat all.................. :lol:

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Hey I am an expert on this having done both????

First one clean break with an overlap, healed no problem but had a big lump so they opened it up got the planer out and shaved a bit off and is fine.

Other side made a right mess in several pieces, but was allowed to heal on its own, which it nearly did but was very flexable, this did not stop me riding, but the surgeon suggested he open it up, break it, line it up and plate and screw it together. To this day I now have a 4 inch plate and 8 screws holding it all together. They gave me the option of removing the plate, but it is still in and causes much amusements at the Airpotrs through baggage control!!!!

When putting the plate in the first screw was too long and eventually annoyed me catching another bone, 2 years later under local anasthetic they opened it up again got the cordless drill out and removed the screw, I was even allowed to choose the replacement screw they were going to put back in...............................sure I had one in the garage that size :)

Still riding and gives me no problemat all.................. :lol:

You could have taken the screw out yourself...save the NHS/Army docs a job or two.... :)

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You could have taken the screw out yourself...save the NHS/Army docs a job or two.... :lol:

Probably a few people that would offer to do the job for me without the anasthetic........................................including the ''Hormonal B**ch that tried to remove the front end off my van cutting me up while driving in London today???

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