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280 Pro Base Gasket


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Head Spacer is the best value. Cheap and bike still runs good. Easier to KS and saves money on lower octane gas as well.

FWW is OK - but too pricey IMO

Base Gasket cheap, but as previous poster said, will change port timing. I havent tried it though - let us know if you do.

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Tried thicker base gasket on a 300,ruined the top end and had a minimal effect low down,so I don't advise it.I would fit a flywheel wieght and/or a slow action throttle.It's more expensive but runs/rides much better,I think these engines are very sensitive to different port timing.Never tried a cylinder head spacer,but I know some who have had head sealing problems

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i've put head spacers on 2 gassers and not had any sealing problems, i put a bit of silicone grease in the o ring slot to hold them in place when putting the head back on,maybe this was the problem the other guys have had?

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