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First Trial


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Best of luck Filmoor,

However you get on stick at it! The sport is addictive and if I cast my mind back 25 years ago or so I remember my first event scaring the crap out of me ( I was 13!!!).

Entered my first one few months ago after 23 years out of it and absolutely loved it. Only lasted 8 sections until the bike gave up so promptly sold it and bought myself a newer model. Just getting it ready but practicing every other week.

Don't over stretch yourself. If a section looks to silly for your skills ride what you can and if you need to take a 5, take it. Note what you are not confident at, then get out onto the practice field and nail it. You will soon see your scores improving. I think for your first few its better to take that approach than have a serious off and lose your confidence? But thats only a person opinion ????

Let us know how you get on.


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My step-son just completed his first trial last month - he's now totally hooked.

Follow Sloggers advice and you'll not go far wrong. The nerves will soon disappear, don't worry about your score, just enjoy it !

Best of luck / balance and remember to let us know how you got on. I'm quite sure it wont be your last :rolleyes:

GJ :)

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Well I've done it and got the "T" shirt lol and bruisers,graizesand the aches are starting already but I'm still smiling about the experience. The trial was at Wosborough and run by Barnsley trial club, I found the organisers and fellow competitors freindly and willing to help,or offer advice. Managed to complete all 40 sections, albeit in a strange order, Made a hash of a few, crashed on others and took a few of 5's in the first 2 laps, Laps 3+4 were better and 5's turned into 3's then 2's+1's but not many. Although I did manage to clean section 1, 4 times but I think every one might have. So the story so far is I've ridden the Gas Gas 4 times done 1 trial (Yellow routes) and I'm hooked on it. Thanks to all the organisers and observers for their help and encouragement. :rolleyes: Phil

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So the story so far is I've ridden the Gas Gas 4 times done 1 trial (Yellow routes) and I'm hooked on it.


Glad it went well and a great starting result. If you've only rode the Gasser 4 times and tackled the yellow route first outing you should be pleased with yourself. Not sure what your riding experience was before, but Ive taken a few guys out who are full on Knee down merchants on sports bikes and they have really struggled to make the transition (they think it bad to drop the bike ????).

Anyway, keep us posted on your progress


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Well I've done it and got the "T" shirt lol and bruisers,graizesand the aches are starting already but I'm still smiling about the experience. The trial was at Wosborough and run by Barnsley trial club, I found the organisers and fellow competitors freindly and willing to help,or offer advice. Managed to complete all 40 sections, albeit in a strange order, Made a hash of a few, crashed on others and took a few of 5's in the first 2 laps, Laps 3+4 were better and 5's turned into 3's then 2's+1's but not many. Although I did manage to clean section 1, 4 times but I think every one might have. So the story so far is I've ridden the Gas Gas 4 times done 1 trial (Yellow routes) and I'm hooked on it. Thanks to all the organisers and observers for their help and encouragement. :rolleyes: Phil

Good for you!

Chances are that you'll get as obsessed as the rest of us now. :) There's something unusual about this sport, not sure what it is, but it can end up being a life-long pursuit, or at least 38 years so far in my case. The riding is fun and challenging of course, the bikes are cool, but I really think it's the people you meet at a Trial. Trials riders seem to have a slightly different psychological profile than competitors in all the other forms of motorsports that I've been involved in. They can be just as serious and competition-minded, but it's almost like we're all on the same team and banded together to solve a common problem, which, in a way, I guess we are as far as a section is concerned. I would expect you to have more fun as time goes on and you probably make some friends you will have for the rest of your life.

There as some drawbacks and I must warn you, however, that now, when driving in the countryside, you will never, ever, see it the same way again. You will start to see each ravine, log, bunch of rocks, creekbeds etc as "Awwww, cool. I bet I could make a neat section there.....". I know I'm not the only one who still does that.........


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There as some drawbacks and I must warn you, however, that now, when driving in the countryside, you will never, ever, see it the same way again. You will start to see each ravine, log, bunch of rocks, creekbeds etc as "Awwww, cool. I bet I could make a neat section there.....". I know I'm not the only one who still does that.........

pheww! I just thought it was me and my imaginary friend who did that.......

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