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Fried Piston!


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Hi all,

Went out riding at the weekend and my mate came off his 250 techno. As he came off, the throttle got stuck wide open, it was runnin at full chat for approx 10seconds.

After alot of kicking and swearing we realised it wouldnt run so we got it home and took it apart this evening.

Once apart we found it had scorch marks over the piston and the rings were shot. The barrel also has scoring on it too.

Where abouts do people recommend getting new parts from? i.e, piston and rings??



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Give Lampkins a call.They are very helpful and offer a very prompt delivery service.The same thing happened to me on my techno.Rings ended up welded to the piston.If barrel is scored it will have to be replated.

John Lampkin Beta uk 01535 655970



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i had the same problem with my beta (2006) i dont no what it had been through before i bought it but after a couple off months it developed a wizzing sound and wouldnt run properly after cleanin the carb air box air filter ect it ran ok but still the wizzing sound we took the flywheel off every thing ok but notice wudwuf key was broken so we put an new on in but still was wizzin so went to rpm and we took it completly 2 bits and the piston ringswere knakerd and the piston was black cost me dad 450 quid but then got rid of it good ridence and a surprise prezei a shiny new sherco ive had it about 1year 4 months never let me down

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