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Txt 250 Edition Fan Replacement


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Had a problem with the fan on my Gasser.

The rectifier had broken off the fan housing before i bought the bike, it was tucked away above the rad. It obviously worked its way loose and then fell into the fan, stalling it. Well now my situation is this...

the rectifier is fried, its ballooned up like you wouldnt believe. It appears to be a bridge rectifier so im going to try a generic one. i dont like the idea of paying

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Hi Andy,

Usually, the cause of the rectifier failing is the voltage regulator not being connected to ground very well (loose) or the voltage reg failing. You should be able to use a generic rectifier, check the currernt rating is sufficient. The fan should spin and blow air rather like a hair dryer. Yes, you can re-fit the PRO model fan, it comes with a plastic rad shroud made for the PRO's though you can remove the fan to adapt to your shroud.

Bye, PeterB.

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Hi Peter,

Yes there was also a prob with the regulator connections too, so the fan was potentially getting over 60V at times! it was only after the fan was stalled by the rectifier though that it failed.

Do you know if the pro version of fan would use the same fixings etc? the edition fan has a screw in either side of the radiator to hold it all in place, a right pain to get to too.

I might just put it back together and see how it goes. it might be enough airflow to keep it happy.


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