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Terrorists And Texans!


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Everyday something happens to make me happy and proud to be a Texan! We are a plain folk... but we have a way of talking net!

One thing about Texans is that their hearts are always

in the right place!

T . B . Bechtel, a part-time City Councilman from

Midland , TX , was asked on a local live radio talk show just what he

thought of the allegations of torture of terrorists. His

reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause

from the audience .


'If hooking up a terrorist's nuts to a car's

battery cables will save just one soldier's life, then I have just

three things to say,'

'Red is positive,

Black is negative, and

Make sure his nuts are wet.'



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Ive never seen a terrorist ever.

Funny thing is, I have not either! But for some funny reason I have not been able to wash the images of eight years and one day ago out of my feeble mind!

It was a pretty bad day, maybe if it happened to you, you might then be able to have a greater appreciation! Perhaps even a desk job in the Pentegon, pay is good i here, and they don't ask your race, religion or political views do they, really!

Maybe others just need more first hand experience to gain a greater appreiation as to the meaning of the word!

Or maybe just stay in Canada, not much happens there! Maybe you are safe! Surely there are no radicals there!

dummer, dummer , dummer, la da dee!

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voleurz, there are some very nasty people indeed out there. People whose sole intention is to destroy our society, our belief system (Mamon??) and our way of life. This is in spite of many of them being raised and nurtured within the very society they crave to destroy. This is fact.

Whether the invasions of Iraq and Afganistan were, in the long term, a wise decision is an entirely different point. But then wounded peoples, like wounded animals, don't sit back calmly and ruminate on the long term consequences. Their immediate desire is for revenge.

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Aw, c'mon Mark..don't stand behind that: '' we're just plain talkin', simple folk :) '' routine.

Life's not that simple.

What your councillor said just sounds like electioneering :rolleyes: to me and if we're going to do something about the war on terror we need more intelligent-sounding men than Bechtel to break the cycle of violence.

Indulge me a little here:-

(In 1993?)There were 6 IRA bombs planted where I work and 1 at a gas holder 500m from my back garden, that makes it personal to me.

In the Uk we've had decades of cowardly terror attacks on innocent civilians from the PIRA/INLA/REAL IRA/CONTINUITY IRA/you-name-it IRA,they're all ba*****s, ( let's not even mention our murdered troops at this point).

So we gathered intelligence reports and pin-pointed the operational base(s)of the prime fund raisers for the terrorists' training and weapons procurement.

We would dearly have loved :D to send in several remote predator drones/cruise missiles/smart ordnance-air strikes/special forces insertions, to destroy the fund raisers HQs'.

The problem was, we would have destroyed most of the Irish bars in New York , New Jersey , obliterated Marthas Vineyard and a few other Kennedy retreats ! :huh:

I do feel deeply sorry for those people who died in the twin towers but it's not a co-incidence that it seemed to signal an end to Americas backing for the Provos' .

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Aw, c'mon Mark..don't stand behind that: '' we're just plain talkin', simple folk :) '' routine.

Life's not that simple.

What your councillor said just sounds like electioneering :rolleyes: to me and if we're going to do something about the war on terror we need more intelligent-sounding men than Bechtel to break the cycle of violence.

Indulge me a little here:-

(In 1993?)There were 6 IRA bombs planted where I work and 1 at a gas holder 500m from my back garden, that makes it personal to me.

In the Uk we've had decades of cowardly terror attacks on innocent civilians from the IRA/INLA ( let's not even mention our murdered troops at this point).

So we gathered intelligence reports and pin-pointed the operational base(s)of the prime fund raisers for the terrorists' training and weapons procurement.

We would dearly have loved :D to send in several remote predator drones/cruise missiles/smart ordnance-air strikes/special forces insertions, to destroy the fund raisers HQs'.

The problem was, we would have destroyed most of the Irish bars in New York , New Jersey , obliterated Marthas Vineyard and a few other Kennedy retreats ! :hl:

I do feel deeply sorry for those people who died in the twin towers but it's not a co-incidence that it seemed to signal an end to Americas backing for the Provos' .

The support for the Provos in the US was more than waning at that stage so the timing was rather opportune is maybe a better way of putting it. That and the fact that the nutter camel jockey Gaddaffi didn't want blamed for any more so he stopped the supply as well.

Said this before somewhere I think but the last real attempt the provos had agains British Forces in Germany was while we were there. They had launched a home made mortar into a barracks in Osnabruck and scored a major own goal but sticking it through the Chapel window. Few nights later we had been in town for a leaving do in the town Brauhaus, couldn't get back home because the MP's had cordoned off the whole stretch of the road to the barracks. They had found a suitcase in the road ditch behind our house and the one next door. The young babysitter was in the house with our two crapping herself because she couldn't get hold of us and they wanted to evacuate. In the end they did a small controlled explosion in situ took out 20 feet of fence but there was no device, it was a hoax, but it hit you there and then how these psychopaths work. It was personal it was as close to us as you can imagine.

9/11 took terrorism onto a global scale and it has had a net effect on every single person, to a greater or lesser extent. In the case of our colonial cousins and Texans( :huh: ) it put it on their doorsteps, it became a problem that they couldn't ignore any longer. It wasn't happening to someone else, somewhere else that they'd seen on a map. What still gets me about that afternoon is the secure teleprinter (remember them) that started rattling in our comms room, it was only there for one thing, it's previous use had been during Gulf 1.

To be honest I don't think something like a bombing does hit you until it reaches that personal level, whether it's affected you or a friend or family member. 9/11 has had a massive effect on the world and I don't think we should underestimate those effects on any one.

When it comes to these b****rds, if the Texan wants to hold the wires.....I'll crank the generator handle.

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As this thread started off as a self admitted Texas joke in a way, it just goes to show you the thought processes of some! Terrorism has indeed changed state, into a global proposition.

TFT did put things in a way that is more real at this time. And not to discount internal strife, such as the IRA, but I do believe there is more external strife than ever before. Yes , there are many who would want to destroy your way of life. Get a grip, folks!

I am no poly-sci major, and I figure'd someone would have given Ireland back to the Irish by now, since the Beatles request! We have enough Cubans trying to make the swim accross as it is! No less the Mexicans by the millions! All want free!dom!

Never totally being able to get my head around the British Empire thing, we still got islands and stuff floating around that seem to require constant support? It all just boggles the mind!

I do think America is tireing! Just how long is one country due to provide the major deterrance for the aggression of others whilst gaining little to no respect and large criticism? After a while, you just kinda want to say sc--- them! They don't appreciate anything anyway! Lets toutch on the Afgan poppy farmers! Or the entire f--c-ed up country! Worthless s---!

Then you got the Pakis playing both sides with Nukes!, all the while holding the Bin Ladin bunch!And the others! No secrets here! F--- them!

This is what we get for standing down! Bunch of crap! They will eventually f--k up your world! One way or another! :huh:

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I am no poly-sci major, and I figure'd someone would have given Ireland back to the Irish by now!......... All want free!dom!

Perhaps we should have used the same principle the US government adopted towards the indigenous red indians of the day ...steal their lands..bit 'o' rapin' an' a piligin' never did anyone any harm. :)

Wahey, I can't wait until the current US government give all the land back to the red indians, imagine that.... a casino and a bingo hall on every street corner :huh:

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Perhaps we should have used the same principle the US government adopted towards the indigenous red indians of the day ...steal their lands..bit 'o' rapin' an' a piligin' never did anyone any harm. :)

Wahey, I can't wait until the current US government give all the land back to the red indians, imagine that.... a casino and a bingo hall on every street corner :huh:

No, that's different !

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Perhaps we should have used the same principle the US government adopted towards the indigenous red indians of the day ...steal their lands..bit 'o' rapin' an' a piligin' never did anyone any harm. :)

Wahey, I can't wait until the current US government give all the land back to the red indians, imagine that.... a casino and a bingo hall on every street corner :huh:

I think that is pretty much how the Spanyards created the modern Mexicans, the blonde ones are hot, they put them on the tele, in short shorts!

There are probably at least two or three spanish speaking tele stations here now on the free air broadcasts(more otherwise), which I do not even get as I have been on the cable thing. And as they recently went all digital on the local broadcasts, i have had no reason to get the converter box for the antenna! Point being, there are as many mexicans in texas as any other race it seems, everything has to be bi-lingual because most do not bother to learn english!!!! Even in the schools we must make special accomodations now!

There are many rich American Indians here, also many poor ones. Seems many still get money off the govenment every month and stay upon their lands, others do better, it is a cunnundrum to me! I can tell stories, but I have had some real good Indian friends over the years. In a way, it is kinda like many of them just want to do their own thing. They all speak english, and take great offense if one was to confuse them with a mexican. They shun the Mexicans it seems.

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We're talking about the women here, right? :(

Sometimes ya never know.... :huh:

Picking up on what Copey said and expanding it a little: I think underneath we all have this little tendancy to look at our own ethnicity as something that little bit special and protecting it, that is why we sometimes become intolerant of other ethnic groups.

Old Schicklegruber and the Nazis took this to an extreme.

The real psychotic Muslim Fundamentalists look at the Qur'an and take it as the motivator for killing every non-muslim.

Aparthied did it.

Segregation in the US.

Religious sectarianism is still rife.

These are just a few examples of the concept, they are not meant as a condemnation of those specifics though any normal upstanding individual would condemn most of them.

What I'm getting at is the survival instinct of each individual race, which, when protracted gives rise to the examples we've seen of ethnic cleansing over the years. Mark talks about both the schisms in his local community and the integration and it's only by that integration can the world actually exist together.

I grew up with two forms of this nonsense, religious sectarianism and the old Scots/English chestnut. Some of my relatives are still staunch members of the Orange Lodge, the bigotry is unbelieveable but it's part of growing up in the south west of Scotland, I thought green sweets were bad for you until I was about 12 and I still have a cousin who will only eat carrots as a veg!!! Your biggest survival battle is knowing who supports Rangers and who supports Celtic. The brainwashing didn't work on me, I couldn't care less about that crap.

The Scots / English stuff, a lot of it is banter these days but again there are cousins I have won't associate with me because Mrs Slapshot's old man is English, their loss.

Maybe we got over our own attempts "terrorism" and "ethic cleansing" centuries ago and largely we are integrated but more and more you see demands made on our society to change to accept other races/ethnic groups instead of them integrating into society and the workplace. No matter how much you do to help them integrate they want everything on a plate. I have no objection to these people coming into the UK and contributing, what I do object to is the wholesale overhaul our society and national identities our countries have to go through to suit some of these immigrants, jeez I've got the whole problem sitting on the workstation opposite me!!!

I've got friends and acquantancies from every corner of the globe, even Texas ( :P ) just don't bring me bad people.

Here endeth the Sunday Sermon...... :)

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I think underneath we all have this little tendancy to look at our own ethnicity as something that little bit special and protecting it, that is why we sometimes become intolerant of other ethnic groups.

Genetically, it's a pretty smart idea. Did you know when the alpha male of a lion pride is deposed his successor goes around killing all the cubs? Reason is to eradicate competition to HIS genes. Ditto, looking out for number one is actually to give your own genes the best possible chance of success.

So you could say that predjudice is, in evolutionary terms, a pretty good tactic. However, it can backfire. Apartheid was a prime example.

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Come off it Slappy, you'll be campaigning for equal rights for gingers next :huh:

Your right though, being an a*****le has nothing to do with your passport,creed,race,religion etc.. if someone wants to carry out an act of aggression they'll hide behind any excuse that comes to hand.

Your comment on our distant attempts at ethnic cleansing centuries ago, brings me back to the original point about 'violence-begets-violence' ....'' An eye for an eye will leave us all blind''.

See, you don't have a monopoly on giving sermons :)

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As we here are indeed a melting pot, one cannot go anywhere without sometimes major language barriers!

One would think they would bother to learn the language! Seems some could care less, as they tend to stick soo closely within their own groups.

And in many cases, this ignorance continues to breed poverty! Add it's results!

The ones who want to do well, do!

Yes I have other prejudice, not just terrorists, drug dealers who would ruin the life of your kids rank high on the list!

I think I will will foreward somethind to Slapshot to see if he can post up.

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