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How To Apply New Graphics


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I have a new tank and graphics for my 2009 Sherco 3.2 and I need to mount the graphics. When I did this on my 2004 Sherco 2.9 it was a bit of a challenge to get it on straight and without any wrinkles or bubbles. I peeled back a small corner of the paper and held the graphics against the tank and then stuck the small exposed sticky area down - then once it was centered I pulled the paper out from underneath the graphic and stuck it down as the paper came out from underneath. It appears the 3.2 graphics and new style tank will be a bit harder as the tank is more round and the graphics are only joined at the rear.

I know that a lot of the sign companies mount the graphics after wetting the tank with a solution of water and liquid soap. This allows them to slide the graphics a bit to get them centered before the adhesive sticks firmly. Once they are happy with the location they then squegee the water and soap mix out from under the graphics. They require that you be careful for 24 hours after application as the bond is not good yet.

Does anyone have some suggestions on how to do this on the first try?

Thanks - Dave

Edited by 1oldbanjo
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I did stop by the AutoZone last night and buy a $ 4.99 bottle of the spray for applying window film. It included a lintless rag. I won't have time to try it until this weekend.....I will let you know how it goes.

I do not recall the tank graphick being too difficult, i would keepa hair drier on hand if you need to heat and stretch things a bit. In cool weather I just use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle as it evaporates better in lower temps. The mudguard can be a pain! :D

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