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This one made it through the filters, just had to open it, figured it from TFT when i seen the header! :D

my dear one

good day,i am Richard Oformi 20years age from Sierra Leone.i am writing you from republic of Ivory Coast where i have been taking refuge after the brutal war and murder of my parents by the rebels during the renewed fighting in my country.Because of the war my late Father sold his shipping company and deposited US$8,000,000.00 million dollars in his foreign account with one of the bank here in Ivory Coast.Please,due to the political situation here in Ivory Coast now.please i need your urgent attention to assist me transfer this money to your country for investment so that i can relocate to your country and join you as one family,for my better life future as i am here alone as an orphan,i am willing to offer you 20% of the total sum personally for your helping me out of this situation.kindly reply me back and call me on this number +22547280024 for more direction in good confidential.


Richard Oformi.

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This one made it through the filters, just had to open it, figured it from TFT when i seen the header! :D

my dear one

good day,i am Richard Oformi 20years age from Sierra Leone.i am writing you from republic of Ivory Coast where i have been taking refuge after the brutal war and murder of my parents by the rebels during the renewed fighting in my country.Because of the war my late Father sold his shipping company and deposited US$8,000,000.00 million dollars in his foreign account with one of the bank here in Ivory Coast.Please,due to the political situation here in Ivory Coast now.please i need your urgent attention to assist me transfer this money to your country for investment so that i can relocate to your country and join you as one family,for my better life future as i am here alone as an orphan,i am willing to offer you 20% of the total sum personally for your helping me out of this situation.kindly reply me back and call me on this number +22547280024 for more direction in good confidential.


Richard Oformi.

I've already talked with Dick, so it's all handled. I talked him into making it 25%, boy, is HE a fool...........


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Oh yea of little faith, taking advantage of a poor orphan.

Well, yea, I really, really felt bad after I did it so I hooked the poor kid up with this really hot Nigerian Princess I know, who has a ton of money she has to smuggle out of her home country. They'll make a beautiful couple........

It was the least I could do........and I STILL get my 25%.

Jon, the Yentl of the Internet.

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