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So whats your solution ?

The tories have a real problem which is why their conference was all doom and gloom.

I feel sorry for them as there big chance to prove how they could be an alternative to the the present government say two years ago has almost been scuppered by the gigantic debt the country is in due to the banking bail out and recession. Can they turn anything around in 5 years as they will no doubt win the next election?

In some ways they should walk away now as there hands are tied and the taxes we will have to pay and the cuts in services will mean that any idea that they can do any good will be spoiled.

Apart from the fact that they are no different as far as expenses are concerned. I've no time for any of them, to be honest.

My solution? Go to work earn a few bob pay some tax send my kids to school in the hope that when I am old enough to retire (65 lab 66 tories?) theres enough in the pot for me to play with the bikes and fettle in the warm sunset etc etc.

Edited by Nigel Dabster
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That about sums it up Andrew, so it dosn't matter who gets in at the next election, but surely a change can't be that bad.........and I think Camarooooooooon talks good politics. That is a bit like us talking a good trial, but we still ride crap? They predict that it wil be our childrens, children that will be paying off this debt maybe even longer?

By that time both me and you will be 12 feet under, you got a house, you got food in the cupboard, your family are ok, you go on holidays and you have a bike in the garage! it could be a whole lot worse and for many it is, but an election and a new Government won't change the mess we are in quickly

Enjoy B)

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The tories have a real problem which is why their conference was all doom and gloom.

I feel sorry for them as there big chance to prove how they could be an alternative to the the present government say two years ago has almost been scuppered by the gigantic debt the country is in due to the banking bail out and recession. Can they turn anything around in 5 years as they will no doubt win the next election?

In some ways they should walk away now as there hands are tied and the taxes we will have to pay and the cuts in services will mean that any idea that they can do any good will be spoiled.

Apart from the fact that they are no different as far as expenses are concerned. I've no time for any of them, to be honest.

My solution? Go to work earn a few bob pay some tax send my kids to school in the hope that when I am old enough to retire (65 lab 66 tories?) theres enough in the pot for me to play with the bikes and fettle in the warm sunset etc etc.

Retire at 66, in your dreams, most of us workers will have to work till we drop.

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According to today's news they may have to pay some of it back, and or face prosecution. (Electrocution would seem fairer)

A recent post by my learned (??) Texan friend has the right idea... for terrorist read politician (something not right in that comment B) )

T . B . Bechtel, a part-time City Councilman from

Midland , TX , was asked on a local live radio talk show just what he

thought of the allegations of torture of terrorists. His

reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause

from the audience .


'If hooking up a terrorist's nuts to a car's

battery cables will save just one soldier's life, then I have just

three things to say,'

'Red is positive,

Black is negative, and

Make sure his nuts are wet.'

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The tories have a real problem which is why their conference was all doom and gloom.

I feel sorry for them as there big chance to prove how they could be an alternative to the the present government say two years ago has almost been scuppered by the gigantic debt the country is in due to the banking bail out and recession. Can they turn anything around in 5 years as they will no doubt win the next election?

In some ways they should walk away now as there hands are tied and the taxes we will have to pay and the cuts in services will mean that any idea that they can do any good will be spoiled.

Apart from the fact that they are no different as far as expenses are concerned. I've no time for any of them, to be honest.

My solution? Go to work earn a few bob pay some tax send my kids to school in the hope that when I am old enough to retire (65 lab 66 tories?) theres enough in the pot for me to play with the bikes and fettle in the warm sunset etc etc.

Things we know about this government-

[1] Gordon Brown is NOT a leader. He jumps from one sound bite to the next and reads the morning papers at breakfast and what ever is the big story, he gets his advisors together and announces a new policy statement by the 6 o clock news.!

[2] It spends money like its going out of fashion 4% increase for employers and employees for NI contributions has seen what exactly in improvements for the NHS? ( I design medical packaging and the way procrurement works in the NHS is 20 years out of date in my experience )

[3] It has NO Vision Do you know what Labours vision for the UK is? Does anyone know?

Things we know about a Conservative government

[1] David Cameron has potential to be a good leader - but not proven yet

[2] It Doesnt spend loads of money and chooses to give money to people to use how they see fit in tax reductions ( although we may need to see an increase to pull back labours reckless spending )

[3] It has a vision Putting the importance back into the family unit is one that is always at the heart of conservative government thinking. Solid fiscal control is another. Labour inherited one of the best financial positions from John Major and now will pass over (if the cons get in) the worst fiscal position of all time.

One other thing that conservatives do is look after and encourage business. This is a good thing! coz thats where all our jobs come from after all B)

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Things we know about a Conservative government

[3] It has a vision Putting the importance back into the family unit is one that is always at the heart of conservative government thinking.

This again is their problem its pretty much it.

I say again they are all as bad as one another, my buisness has prospered under this government particularily these last two years, but would I want either of them in charge? I just don't see anything the tories say that can make me think they will do any better. You seem to struggle too.

the fiscal may have been good under the tories but many other things weren't, which is why they got voted out. And please lets not mention major next to family values, big mistake!!

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