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Nanny State.

jon v8

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Is everyone else pi--ed of with Govt profiling us all,telling us how to live,not to do this or that......

How long are we going to put up with it,I feel quite happy to make my own mistakes and sort them out afterwards.Dont mind paying taxes,(Within reason)or having speed limits etc.But some of the rubbish being fed to us now really jarrs me off.I think one of the main reasons apart from a general love of bikes why I enjoy trials so much is that it seems to have largely missed out from loads of rules and regs of officialdom.

I wonder if there is any chance of a political party that would let people alone to live their live and make their own choices........

Moan over,I'll shut up now and find the corkscrew. :thumbup:

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My daughter told me last week that the college she goes to is running a competition for students to design a Christmas card that the college will print. One of the many stipulations is it must not show any religious theme??????????????????????????, now I'm about as big an atheist as possible but for ****s sake, Christmas is a bloody religious time even for the non beleiver, wouldnt want to offend any muslims etc etc .

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Andy, even if its a long post go for it,****e like this needs airing :thumbup: I wont be offended at all by any bad language honest!!! i could go on for weeks about ****e like this, be telling us which hand to use to wipe are arses soon, although I have always preferred using paper

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I have a few mates who work in maintenance for a well known stately home, they used to have to do 10-15 jobs a day on estate houses etc, changing a tap washer, blown light etc etc, every job they do now has to have a completed risk assessment form filled out before they do anything,what tools they will use,what hazards, they now do half the jobs. I would love to employ someone to help me in the workshop and I,ve got absolutely no chance due to H&S, B*****ks to common sense thesedays you have to go on a course and get told the bleeding obvious and heres the bill

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I'll shut up now and find the corkscrew

hmmmm might stab yourself with that Jon, be carefull mate,best sit down for ten mins and work out what might go wrong first before you use such a tool, better still have a few slurps out of the Domestos bottle under the sink, its got a plastic screw top,far safer to open

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Relief ! I'm not alone,I was just going to rant on about my wife being bullied by primary school staff when she picked up one of the kids she childminds.He is very small and one of the youngest of the year group. Legally he does not need to attend school tilfull time till he is 5.Poor little chap struggles with 1/2 a day so his Mum asked my wife to have him for quiet afternoons to "break" him in gently.(Just as my wife did with my son - it worked.) Now even the Headmistress is joining in with having a go at the Mum - Its all about Ofsted reports and attendance percentages.Bog all to do with an individual childs welfare.

I was bl--dy fuming ! (Partly because although my wife was too,she is scared of me speaking my mind as my daughter is still at the school too.) So I have to be a bit careful,but its just rubbish,esp when the Govt bang on about family values.....

Come on Andy,I think I speak for all of us when I say we would love to hear your "Vent" !!

P.S. I ride bikes,use a Land Rover too old to have seat belts,use several chainsaws and play with tractors with little or no safety kit.I have never done a risk assesment.Is there any hope for me ?

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Jon, I think Andy is compiling a post as we speak, prob be ready Friday night :thumbup: hope the server is up to it?

Keep yourself to yourself like I do and all should be well. I use some pretty dangerous machines in the workshop,chainsaws as well from time to time, I have learnt myself they could easy whip an arm or fingers off,don't need someone to tell me that, I respect the machines for what they do and what they could do to me,easy, yes i take what many might think are risks with them but only as someone who has learnt fully what risk I,m taking. I've had some close calls and learnt well from it,nothing gives you more respect and knowledge from doing something from learning the hard way.

Brother started a job this week and had to deal with a new site agent, he's a fencing contractor and had a fence to put up across the middle of a field, had to put on a hard hat and fluro jacket??????? just incase i expect a stray train or lorry left the road into the field arf mile away and could see him, the hard hat obviously incase someone drops something out of a plane or helicopter :)

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PS is the TC clock up the creek ??

Thought so,I'll carry on in my own sweet way,just being careful and thinking about what I'm doing.

My brother in Western Oz has a trucky mate - his dad is a retired trucky too - a legend in many far flung parts over there.He has a saying for the unbelieveable cr-p that he hears," I shake my f--king head" if you could see him and hear him say it you would know why I mention it...... My head rarely stops shaking :thumbup:

Andy,the gauntlet is down.

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The clock does go wonky from time to time. It's because of the way it updates itself (or doesn't as the case may be). It was out by a couple of hours so I updated it manually, but it didn't like that.

As for Copey's response, as much as I love going to the US, think it's a fantastic country and everybody I have met there has been fantastic as individuals (yup, even Copey!), we have them to blame for the mess we are in. The whole "compensation culture" thing came from the USA. Sue for everything. Where there is blame there is a claim. I was in Vegas a few months ago and had a few days to kill before the conference I was attending started. Watching TV in the hotel room, every second ad was for compensation lawyers. Sue for this, sue for that. That spread to here and now we're screwed. you can't even fart without fear of being sued for it. That is where all the health and safety and nanny state bollocks have stemmed from. US lawyers looking to make a killing and US people looking to make a fast buck - mostly through their own stupidity.

We have a confirmed case of a US woman suing the manufacturer of a microwave oven after she put her dog in it to dry it out because it was wet and the dog died. Her basis for suing was because the microwave didn't carry a warning that she shouldn't put her dog in it. We have confirmed cases of US people suing fast food companies because they got scalded by coffee or tea that they bought from those fast food companies. That is why if you now buy a coffee it says "Caution, contents may be hot" on the cup. Well - DOH! If you aren't intelligent enough to realise that then you're too stupid to buy a hot drink as far as I'm concerned and should stick to cold pureed food in the home for the "too stupid to drink hot drinks"

It's the compensation culture that has led to the Health and Safety bollocks we now have, and subsequently the Nanny State. Everybody is terrified of being sued so take things to the ultimate extreme. It sucks.

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I should never have replied, but you buggers got me wound up so....

Here's a good example from the press up here in the past couple of weeks...

A 69 year-old lollipop man quit after being told giving "high-fives" to primary school children and giving them sweets on his birthday and at Christmas was "a health and safety risk". One single parent complained after their child who had a nut allergey was inadvertantly given a sweet that contained nuts.

Full initial story here

There was then a mass protest by parents who RIGHTLY thought this way over the top. How did the Council react? They confiscated his Lollipop stick because it carried "illegal stickers"

Story here

You really couldn't make this **** up. The world has gone totally crazy. All the parent had to do was approach him, explain their child had a nut allergy and ask him not to offer them sweets - or even better - educate their child to say they couldn't accept them. Instead they lodge a complaint and cause all sorts of turmoil.

That's just one example. I like to read the online press with my coffee in the morning, but the nonsense I see these days daily winds me up so much I need to give it up.

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