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Newbie Seeks Basic Fantic Info


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Hi I'm looking to get a twin shock as a first off road bike and the fantic bikes look great to me. First of many questions , Can i tell which model is which from what side the chain is on ie 200 or 240? can I get some Best Buy tips and are the important spares available??


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To the best (or worst) of my knowledge ... The 50 , 75 , 80 , 125 , and 200 all have the chain on the left side . The 240 , 300 and on up have the chain on the right. You can get spares for any model fantic fairly easily . (esp. if your in europe ...) As far as best buy tips ... Look for as stock a bike as you can find , You don't want to spend your time fixing someone's 'improvements' 'Cause with most of the Fantic line there truly wasn't much to improve on ...


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ndoubtedly the Fantic is a great bike however for a new rider i would rccomend something readily available, cheap parts galore and a bike that everyone has ridden. a ty250 ticks all the boxes not a winner out of the box but a sensible easy to ride and maintain bike.

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Do you have experience with classic bikes?You'll need to be able to fettle drum brakes,unstick stuck bearings,true wheels,massage clutches into releasing and engaging and more.It might be advisable to just pick up as modern bike as you can afford and spend your time working on your riding skills before undertaking the vintage twinshock experience as dealing with wonky brakes and clutches will inhibit your learning curve.Hell,I've been riding off-road for 40 years and I've decided to pick up a 10 year old trialler to work on skills that pertain to trials,it just ain't the same as racing in the dirt or street riding at all,but I know that I'll be a much better all around rider as I develop my trials skills.

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Glenn was close but not perfect. Chains on the left mean 125 or 156 for the twinshocks. (Monos are different) The left hand chain motors came from minarelli. From 1982 the 240 and 300 came with the chain on the right. They also came in 125 and 156....great little bikes. Later motors are also 125,156, 212 (as the 240) and 249 as the 300. later engines can be shoehorned in a TS franme quite easily

I am not sure what to recommend. I have had loads...ty 175, ty250, rl250, beamish 325, swm 320 and all the fantic ever made. The parts are available for most of these bikes if you know where to look as also for montesas and bultos. i jsu prefer the fantics as they are "zippier". My ty and suzukis didnt lake absolute power but the ty was nearly boring and the rls were ****e at going around corners....

A 240 is great but the 200 minarelli can win at international level with the right ride. A 200 fwd kick is luvverly maybe to start on. The 300 is a bit of a handful and feels heavy although onlky 1 or 2 kgs more than a 240

look here


have a look around also under history modeles trial

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