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315r Handlebars And Clutch?


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is it possible to raise the bar's by say 2" i'm finding that i am stooping a little too much for my liking. can you get the renthals in different heights?

worked that out for myself! next question is the clutch seems to be dragging a bit is it easy to adjust?

Edited by serious3
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I find the Montesa handlebars too low too, but this is my first year on a modern trials bike, and I'm loathe to change them until I'm certain it's the bars and not my riding posture that's wrong! I find myself putting a lot of weight on the bars and it wears me out. Is this a newbie thing, or should I try spacers/higher bars? FWIW, I'm about 5"9" tall.

RE: clutch, read through this forum and you'll find a lot about the 315 clutch. Try changing the oil, first thing. As far as which type of oil, read the posts and make up your mind; there's a lot of opinions on that. I'm a Dextron convert myself.


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Your bars may just be to far forward, so you naturally lean over the front. You can get higher bars, up to 6 inches I think for Renthal, dropping the forks through the yolks can also help with the feel of the bars. Bar risers are great, different sizes and easy to fit, I used these on the 07 Caby as the bars were a design for the man himself, way to low for me.

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