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Montesa Cota 123 Fork Disassembly


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Can anyone tell me how to get some early Cota 123 -27M front forks apart. This set have small round steel bottoms. I have released the bottom bolt removed the top cap, springs & damper rods. I have unclipped the fork seal circlip & inserted a dummy rod in the bottom axle eye. Then carefully laid the fok bottoms in the vice using the axle to stop fork leg being pulled out of the vice. Using the tried & tested hammer action on the stanchions including the use of heat around the fork seal area - nothing moves. Finally one fork seal popped with the heat but still can not split forks apart. Any ideas?

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Many Thanks

Just as well you stopped me before i went much further, i will try to "unscrew" the top portion of the bottom of the leg. This should certainly do the trick, the drawing is of great help. Should still prove interesting getting these off, as there are no flats on this item to get hold of.

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Thanks for all your help. I am trying to fit the fork set to a Bantam. I have got the forks apart. All parts shot blasted. Next hurdle is to determine what steering bearings to use. Not sure what the montesa used, looks like cup & cone like sammy miller sells? Difficult to find possible taper bearings that might fit the Bantam or Montesa. Thinking of trying to use the complete fork set as is or I understand the trick is to press fit the bottoms into period truimph heavy duty forks or something. Bit stuck at the moment also trying to source the montesa lip seals 7.5 x 42 x32 mm. In case you throw your hands up in horror that I am ruining a perfectly good set of montesa fork,s I do also own a montesa 200 so can't be all that bad.

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