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The Future Of Motorcycle Brakes


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I would think that having dual discs one on either side of the wheel produces an imbalance of forces when the brake is applied leading to instability. With a single brake exactly in the middle, the forces will be equalised and therefore far more stable.

Edited by AtomAnt
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Technologically it's a clever system and maybe my physics is off this morning but this just doesn't remove a braking imbalance but it also pushes the braking forces closer to the centre of the rotating mass which should also reduce instability.

Why?? Why spend billions of

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C'mon Donald you can't even begin to compare and you know that too. The spin-offs (pardon the pun) from the LHV will be profound. Besides you woudn't want me joining John in the dole queue would you?

I'm deeply distrustful of using $1,000 of technology to solve a $3 problem.

I know but I knew you would bite.... :thumbup:

Serious bit though Tim if people do stop asking why then we never advance, cunning bit of engineering geekery!!

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TooFastTim Posted Today, 05:33 AM

Zip, you're a dick

That took you way to long to figure out. :thumbup:

TooFastTim Posted Today, 05:33 AM

I'm deeply distrustful of using $1,000 of technology to solve a $3 problem.

Sounds like the "Six Sigma" process of fixing problems.

Actually that braking system looks pretty cool. And think about it, as many calipers as you can stuff in there and the amount of braking force could be HUGE. Endo at 180mph anyone???

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