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I don't know about that Jon...He seems wise to me...


On another note, & for you guys in the NE Okla/NW Ark area, I've been practicing my figure 8's and basic skills right in/around the shop area, so on Sunday I rewarded myself with a trip through the woods at Mary's, have you ever been out there? I know I'm just a newbie but she has a lot of creek bed/bank that would be great for play/practice or maybe even an event if a club was looking for a new site. I spent an hour and a half just playing on a 100 ft section of rock steps and dirt banks that wore me out. Nothing like Tish, but maybe a Scipio?? Surely with 375 acres to work with (+ the Houchens have land adjoining and 2 trials bikes in the family) we could come up with something. I have no knowledge or experience laying sections but I can string tape and trim limbs with direction.

Mary's told me about the property and it sounds great for Trials and/or Enduros. Maybe we can get some riders out there sometime. Don't forget the club fun ride/set up sections this Saturday at the Bay.

One of the best ways to learn about Trials is to help set up sections. When you first start, one of the tough skills to learn is how to "read" a section and look for different lines through it. When you help set up a section with an experienced rider, you'll learn to spot different lines and how they interconnect and how sometimes taking a more difficult path over one obstacle will set you up better for the next one or more. It's like playing chess, you'll be able to think ahead and riding will be more fun.

Maybe we can meet sometime and I'll help you set up a few basic skills practice sections for you to play on.


Edited by JSE
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I got the word about the fun/work day at the Bay but we have to work a home show in Grove for Mary's company, gotta have gas money for the GasGases :thumbup: I'm also gonna miss the next event at the Bay to work the home show in Joplin. I did get my NEOTT membership application sent in though.

I would love to get together and setup or ride, here or elsewhere. I find myself looking for things to climb but I also understand that trials is more than climbing.

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