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Cota 247cc Crank Case Repair


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I need to repair a small area around the Kick start / Kick start return sping area.

Has anyone a photo of a bare crank case, so i can see what it should look like the area i am intested in is the wall to the right of where the kick start shaft goes through the casing.

Many thanks John H

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Hi John

I have a couple of 247's that have suffered the same problem. I read somewhere that it was a design fault. I have had both of mine fixed but happen to have a case which has not been repaired and still has the problem you have, a hole where the kick starter hit the case. It is only a small hole and you should be able to work out what it should look like. If you give me your email address I will send a photo as I have never been able to post photos on this forum. Almost forgot, once you get the case fixed you have to remember to kick start the bike by placing your toes as far back as you can on the kick starter so that when you crank the back of your boot, shoe or whatever you are wearing stops on the footrest. No more holes! Hope that helps. Manuel

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting your comment about letting the lever stop on the foot peg.

I have a cable tie on my frame to keep the footpeg up when kickstarting, I always wondered how they did it when the bikes were new. As my kickstart doesnt clear the pegs.

When I bought mine it had a very curly lever off a Honda so looked strange but cleared the peg.

I have two 348 engines and they both have old damage from the kick starters.

I belive the key to setting the bike up is to ensure that wherever the lever is positioned on the splines, that at the bottom of the kick it must not hit the stop. (it is acttually not a stop but the side of the casing.)

In lots of photos of other peoples bikes, the lever is angled so far forward that if the foot peg is lifted and the engine kicked over all the way the wall between the final drive chain case and the magneto inevitabley break.

When the bikes were new I expect they always started easier? And so the block simply didnt get hit hard and often enough.

Perhaps only now with these bikes all over 30 years old the problem has become apparent.


I was trying to attach a photo of the repair to mine, Ill see if I can PM it

Edited by bigshineybike
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