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It seems that a long standing TC member has been missing for a while our buddy ''Kinell''. Now for those of you who don't know he was last seen during the SSDT missing a turning and disappearing into the hills?

Well I have found him!, after running out of petrol and sleeping rough for a few months he decided sell his Beta make his way to ''OBAN'' to purchase this boat then get home to Lancashire?


Now the daft buggar has taken another wrong turn and ended up here in the Midlands!! he plans to make it to the SSDT I hear but in this old barge he needs to set off early, he plans to tie up on the wall next to park ferme.

Wish you luck Brian :thumbup:

Edited by GIZZA5
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By the heck, that man Kinell gets around doesn't he?

I never had him down for cruising canals, but he has probably cruised past a few when he's been lost in the Highlands!

Big John

(It's very easy to get lost you know!)

Edited by Big John
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