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hi hope someone can help as from my recent posts i have just done a top end rebuild, been on 5 outing and every things been ok when i was out last week the bike

started to make knocking noises and the bike started to feels not right at tick over and then started to go in reverse.

took the fly wheel cover off and nut the wood ruff key is still there, so checked the rad no water in the bike at all, took out the oil bolt and roughly 10-15ml of water came out first and the oil was all gray milky , took off the cylinder head and the crank is really oily when turned (thick black)

is the crank (top end) sealed from the gear box or can water still get in there from head, and would that explain why my bike is running like crap

thanks lee

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Water could get into your gearbox if the seal on the shaft of the water pump impeller had gone or if you've lost the crankcase breather hose and its got in when pressure washing. Or maybe if the clutch side crankcase gasket has gone. I don't think theres anywhere else.... :rolleyes:

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Water could get into your gearbox if the seal on the shaft of the water pump impeller had gone or if you've lost the crankcase breather hose and its got in when pressure washing. Or maybe if the clutch side crankcase gasket has gone. I don't think theres anywhere else.... :rolleyes:

forgot the jetwashing just took my engine out to day and noticed a hole (crankcase breather) havent a bung and pipe on it

think i have a well unlucked after motor

i only ever done top end work on my bikes so im just trying to get to grips with the bottom end like when i hold my flywheel it has a little twitch in it when i rock it is that normal

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I only mentioned it because mine randomly fell out somewhere the other week! Didn't notice until I had water in the gearbox, 3 oil changes later and I think I'm happy its survived fine. Replacements are cheap from Sandifords and can be fitted with a screwdriver! :rolleyes:

I'm like you, not really an expert on bottom ends I'm afraid :rolleyes:

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when i hold my flywheel it has a little twitch in it when i rock it is that normal

There should be no twitch. Either flywheel isn't on tight, or the crank main bearings have gone bad. Remove flywheel, grab end of crankshaft and try pulling up/down. Also try pulling crank in/out of the crankcase. Any noticeable up/down play in crank bearing means that the bearing and/or crank requires replacement. In/out play also indicates a worn bearing and/or crankshaft, but is a bit more tolerable than up/down play.

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forgot the jetwashing just took my engine out to day and noticed a hole (crankcase breather) havent a bung and pipe on it

think i have a well unlucked after motor

i only ever done top end work on my bikes so im just trying to get to grips with the bottom end like when i hold my flywheel it has a little twitch in it when i rock it is that normal

Does it really have a crankcase breather or is it a gearbox breather? A two stroke won't run with a ventilated crankcase.

Edited by feetupfun
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What a mess! Gearbox breather /oil problem must be seperate from crankcases. your first sentance says no water in coolant system ..then you say serious pre ignition problem. then you say removed the head and the crank is full of oil.... is there no piston etc.?

it could be that your head / gasket has blown & sucked water in which will not compress and therefore will lock a motor solid until something breaks which could have been flywheel key.. (maybe water even got into the primary compression/ cranckcases and blew its way into the gearbox...but thats probably fantasy/longshot where did coolant water go is first question you need to resolve....(water pump seals? head gasket?.. head cracked?) why is crancase or above piston oily ( depending on wether you removed head or head and barrel) and why did flywheel key (if it has) shear. What I'm saying is that all these symptons may be related to one incident/problem or they may not ..whatever.... it's not a good idea to put it back together without knowing why it went wrong in the first place....you just have to be methodical and eliminate the posiblities.....I think it was sherlock holmes who said something like that ..good luck keep us all posted

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it will be a gearbox breather. If youre mains are going you will know and so will everyone else within 30 feet, as it will sound like a steam roller then followed by the seals going using gearbox oil smokin its tits off while running badly. Water can get in via the head or base cylinder gasket or the water pump shaft seal (most common cause) that said if you have done work on the top end you usually have to recheck the bolts after running the bike for settling of gaskets sometimes.

If all fails sell it to some sucker on Ebay :o

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