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Two Day Ariel And Bsa Trials Extravaganza

charlie prescott

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Hi Guy's.

The following has been sent to an events company intrested in promoting a two day show/trial to celabrate the famous ARIEL and BSA trials bikes of the past. The event will incoperate a showing class on the Saturday along with trade stands, etc, and in the evening a pig roast, films, and a live band. On the Sunday morning a Auto jumble will try to be organised and hopfully a few Pre65 trials Stars will be asked to attend the two days. Whether I can get the ACU or the AMCA to sanction the event I don't know until I ask. The rest is up to you boys/girls. The number of bikes are out there proping up shed walls, dust them off and give them a go. Let me know what you think as soon as possible so that I can force the Events teams hand into going ahead with the project. If I get a good response I will let you know the date and the venue. I can tell you it will be in the Midlands.


Ok This is my idea of how the format for the two day four stroke trial should be, and what we should aim for.

1, We should try to encourage by advertising and word of mouth to get an entry of 50 Ariel trials bikes and the same number of BSA's. If the numbers do not materialize, we can always invite other four stroke bikes, built before 1965.

A sidecar entry can be open to any fourstroke outfit built before 1972.

Now for the ideas for the classes.

On the Saturday. all riders will be aloud to compeat in either the "Rigid- and Original build class" (easy route) or the Replica Modified class, (hard route), to gain entry into Sundays two trials finals, each made up of the top twenty riders from the day before.

The sidecar class can be run over the two day period to decide the winner of that class. this can be run in between the solo classes.

If the two solo classes are run seperately a compeitor bringing a bike for each class can run in both trials. But can only compete in one final.

The trial should be made up of ten sections of two laps on the Saturday,and three laps for the finals. If possible we should try to arrange a comentator for each section with some sort of amplification,Notes on each competitor can be compiled from information taken from the entry form.We can award trophys for class wins etc best "FaberOtter" for example. It will have to be decided how much prize money can be paid to the three class winners and say the next three places down in each class, It would be a good idea to award medals to say the top ten or so in each class, Bikes put into a showing class judged early on Saturday morning could compeat in a class of the trial and then be placed back on show.(no need to clean). Presentation of awards can be made on a rostrom as per speedway and could be followed with a small fire work display the same.

Regards Charlie.

Hope I have posed it in the right place Andy?

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Hi Guy's

Here is the link to the trial, And as you can see I nearly got my own way. http://www.classictrialsshow.com/ The invited "Stars" are now being contacted I am told.

And I have secured a place for you "Dave" and "Mark", as you were the only ones to show interest in the first place.

I am told that the entries for the open class are rolling in, so if you want a ride with a chance of picking up the prizes get your entries in now. first come first served I am told.

Regards Charlie.

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