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Buy comparing her to M T, are you sure you want mad cow disease ?

Scottish beef was banned in the USA because of her.

You'le also enjoy "poll tax" as well.

Just a couple of her highlights.

(still better than labour though)

Now don't diss my Maggie Thatcher :thumbup:

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has he ever been to Boston???

To be honest, I have never found the need or want to go anywhere near there! The Northeast may be where things started, but !

Soo, have you ever seen a satellite view of the noreast at night! One big cluster of light! :thumbup:

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IF ANYTHING GOES, here goes....... For those who say they don't give a care, May I remind you that Islamic radicals have already vowed to eliminate us in the name of Alah.

I'm sure the likes of the Montana Militia and others have sworn to wipe out Islam in the name of Christianity as well...which ever religion you follow there will always be extremists out to kill err...ok maybe not buddhists.

Let us band together as decent human beings and fellow riders to demand our politicians give us certain rights we have known in the past like, national security, energy independence, smaller government with transparency, and lower taxes by cutting spending,it doesn't matter where you live.

I see what you're getting at here but the 'energy independence' bit is stretching the credibility of your text

We have our Margaret Thatcher waiting in the wings, her name is Sarah Palin. Barry O. isn't anything he was Cranked up to be. Challenge me on the facts.

..and as for this last paragraph; I would love to get Sarah :thumbup: into bed .....but as for Maggie? :gay:

Edited by HAM2
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Waterboarding a 4 year old...and he can't control her at that age :thumbup: .God help that dad when she gets to be a teenager, here some options:

1) Young ladies like to dress in bright colours so maybe buy her some nice orange overalls and a nice pair of 'industrial' bracelets ( sack cloth hoodie optional).

2) The Americans are fond of Summer-camps so send her for a vacation at sunni (sp?)Camp X-ray.

3) If it all gets out of hand, dad could call in an airstrike if he meets any resistance (optional Napalm).

I hope this story is unsubstantiated .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, down on your star player. Actually I like the kid and wish we had him back but he'd be stupid to pass up the coin Toronto threw at him. Then again I'm a Hal Gill fan simply because the Boston fans were so rough on him. Good guy and a good solid defenseman who didn't want to be a goon. Nothing made me smile like seeing his name on the Stanley Cup.

Edited by Dan Williams
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Wow, down on your star player. Actually I like the kid and wish we had him back but he'd be stupid to pass up the coin Toronto threw at him. Then again I'm a Hal Gill fan simply because the Boston fans were so rough on him. Good guy and a good solid defenseman who didn't want to be a goon. Nothing made me smile like seeing his name on the Stanley Cup.

Sending you a PM

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