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Stelth Fuel Tax


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This should be passed to as many people as possible.

When VAT was temporarily reduced to 15%, the Chancellor added 2% duty to fuel to offset the reduction in tax collected from motorists. Now that VAT has been increased to 17.5% again this hidden tax has not been removed - hence recent rises in your fuel costs. Sign the petition at the link below to have this stealth tax removed!


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This should be passed to as many people as possible.

When VAT was temporarily reduced to 15%, the Chancellor added 2% duty to fuel to offset the reduction in tax collected from motorists. Now that VAT has been increased to 17.5% again this hidden tax has not been removed - hence recent rises in your fuel costs. Sign the petition at the link below to have this stealth tax removed!


****ing sneaky weasels, I didnt know that to be honest, but nothing surprises me anymore from Labour

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i don't think labour has the franchise on being dishonest there all p***ing in the same pot

Judging by the state of the finances and level of debt we have accumulated I doubt they've got a pot to p 1ss in to be honest.

Edited by bo drinker
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