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One For The Slapper


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It's just not amusing anymore. :chairfall:

Time to get serious about these f****wits who,through their deliberate,devious, mis-representation of the facts, have influenced/advised western governments on their respective taxation policies.

We pay more for our air travel,car tax,fuel bills etc..because of these f****rs and their CO2/man-made-global-warming , mantra crap.

It's time for them to take some responsibility.......I want my money back!

Where's a good lawyer when you need one?

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Never seen those two words in the same sentence before !

It is all mostly bull**** you know! Just like putting corn fuel in the gas so you can use more gas! Farmers growing the gov corn instead of food corn.

Lots are getting rich off the total BS while we pay.

Mind I do think there are some decent air quality benefits to modern stuff. Most cars run clean, busses as well. No smoking choking crap!

Must admit that I was a bit taken back by the article stating that it takes 18 of the top oceangoing ships to create more pollution than all the worlds cars.

Dirty unregulated diesels the size of an apartment building and apparently totally unregulated on the oceans? **** fuel as well, anything that will burn from what I hear.

The US regs on diesel cars and trucks has now gotton to the breaking point it seems. I cannot see it as sustainable in a money sense. Not to mention the systems are soo complicated that even elite techs(or mfg reps) cannot get their heads around the current problems with the crap.

And even here, fuel quality is the big issue. Potential contaminants measured in microns can cost you thousands in repairs!.


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