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Guest Riders


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I have just seen the results of the North Lancs Angela Redford Trial, a round of the Normandale Traditional Trials Championship. Looking at the results this would appear to have been a excellent trial with around 160 entries. There were classes for just about every type of machine and category of rider, so why "Guest Riders"?

Guest riders are for when you are trying to boost a small entry.

The real problem is that this is typical of Trials today, everybody thinks they can ride in everything, sorry lads if you didn't fit any of the classes available in this event then take the hint and find one that did

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I have just seen the results of the North Lancs Angela Redford Trial, a round of the Normandale Traditional Trials Championship. Looking at the results this would appear to have been a excellent trial with around 160 entries. There were classes for just about every type of machine and category of rider, so why "Guest Riders"?

Guest riders are for when you are trying to boost a small entry.

The real problem is that this is typical of Trials today, everybody thinks they can ride in everything, sorry lads if you didn't fit any of the classes available in this event then take the hint and find one that did

I rode as a guest in the previous 2 rounds to look after my dad. I've got no interest in riding the series but at 63 and having never done the Normandale series before he was a little apprehensive about traveling so far on his own (plus he picked me up enough as a kid).

If I hadn't been riding elsewhere this weekend I'd of gone to the Normandale ones this weekend and if allowed would of rode round to keep an eye on him. I know he found Saturday particularly hard and wished I'd been there to help him out and so did my mum when he finally made it back to the van.

Maybe some of the guests were dong similar??

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My section had a maximum of 10 people queueing at any one time, and mainly when they were walking the section or came in a group riding together which i dont feel counts! As far as I am aware there was no queueing anywhere, I certainly heard no complaints about it. We split the entry to start half at section 1 and half at section 11 and this seemed to be a success and helped the trial run much more smoothly. We even had some sunshine at one point! I'm fairly sure noone was turned away who wanted to ride, definatly not a rider from a genuine class, though I'm sure Dad will confirm this later! Hopefully everyone enjoyed the day!

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Riding minders on the wrong type of machine are ok providing there's enough space for genuine entries. I wonder if anyone was turned away from a genuine class? What was the queuing like?

Not sure about the round at the weekend but for the previous 2 I was made aware that I'd only be allowed to ride if I wasn't taking someone's place.

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Rode both trials this weekend, both brilliant with no queuing to worry about.

Regarding Mick Wren's original comment, I talked to one guy who was visiting from "down south". He had never been to the area before and came up with his mates in the van. Surely if the club can accomodate it where's the harm. Bloke had some fun, club got some cash.... win win.

(On the ACU std. regs there is a class for non championship.)

Has anybody seen sundays results yet?

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The reason we took a small number of guest riders was to ensure that the sections had been ridden by at least five riders before those in the Traditional Trials Championship classes arrived to ensure they weren't offered totally virgin sections. The guest riders were told they had to stay at the front for at least the first ten sections - after section 11 they would have already been ridden by the other half of the entry.

We have put a lot of thought into this event - the way the sections are designed, the way the course runs to make for easier access into the more remote sections, and by splitting the entry into odds to section one and evens to section 11, with everybody in the same class starting at the same section made it as fair as is possible.

And don't forget that what we are organising is a SPORT. Workdays are hassle enough, so we try to ensure that Sundays (or Saturdays in this case) are days where hassle is banned. Within reason, we will accept any number of entries because the course and the way we run the trial can cater for a large number. And it certainly seems to work as we got 148 (or whatever the total was) riders, round two laps of 20 sections, without any queues, all the route and section markers were cleared away and we had left the venue by 4.15pm. The riders say they enjoyed it, in fact everyone I spoke was raving about it and if there are any complaints, then do please contact me.

It doesn't happen by accident, it happens because we have clear-cut demarcation lines with everybody involved knowing their job and leaving other problems to someone else.

So let me end here with sincere thanks to the riders for their efforts in supporting us, and to the observers for turning out on a Saturday.

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I did both trials at the weekend and they were well worth the 600 mile round trip.

I didn't appreciate the thought that went in to allowing the guest riders to 'scrub' the sections. I appreciate how they struggled through the greasy stuff to make it easier for the rest of the entry.

Perhaps they could have done with some of these guys on Sunday because when I got to the first section (I started about 1/3 of the way through the field) it seemed like the first riders were just starting to queue up. Not a criticism, because there weren't any real queues throughout either day.

I've done both trials for the last five years, when they weren't on Saturday and Sunday and it meant the 600 mile round trip twice in the year. Over the last two years it seems that there are more people from the south than in some open to centre events. Nuff said...

You don't realise how luck you are having to choose which 20 section to mark out rather than scrubbing around to find something that will make 10 sections.

Thanks for a fantastic weekend, already planning next year.

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I totally accept "Hillary's" point about the ammount of work that went into this,and all,events. I know that this was an excellent event I accept that the queuing etc was minimal and nobody was turned away. None of this was the point I was making. These days everybody just thinks they can ride in every event in the calendar and even in an event like this where there were classes for most types of bikes and riders, the few who didn't fit the criteria still expect to ride

Edited by mickwren
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Don't know the stats but guess the "guest" riders were local riders who knew how good things where going to be or friends or associates of those riding and hence sharing some of the travel costs.

I was totally amazed that no queuing occurred either day with the quantity of riders all having a superb weekend. I finished well in time both days much to my surprise.

Again well done to all involved and whoever booked the weather let me have your phone number.

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