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Is There Still Any Love For The 4rt?


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Have to admit Woody some conditions they really do struggle - too much torgue at very low revs I belive. But for maybe 4 or 5 section per year that dont suit I ride hundreds that benefit from the suspension and torque of the 4rt motor and given half a chance at a blast across a bit of moor or open ground makes you a real hooligan as the speed and handling are a real blast.

I found you have to leave the clutch alone to get grip, roll on the power then be as aggresive as you like with the throttle and it will grip and drive, just keep your weight over the back end to keep it gripping.

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WOODY i agree with you in some situations they dont work as well as a 2t in mud, i think this is because they dont rev so high to keep the rear wheel spinning faster to burn through mud like the 2t can. my son <when he can be bothered> is also at the sharp end of the novagar rounds and last year was top 5 in the wallace and colmore on a 4rt and you dont get trials muddier than these, this year on a 300 gas gas his results were no better. i also agree with you about the repsol replica to much money for afew painted and bolt on bits. They should have come with 280 or 300 engine and adjustable ptb to suit + a lot more trick bits like the raga rep or racing gasser . i have seen pictures and spec,s of the 2010 mitani 4rt which comes as a260cc + different cam ptb etc i think if the price was right they would sell well here. THE 4rt has a long way to go to better the tyz like you say but as it has only been out since 05 its still early days, but i think as the engine is under so little load for trials useit will go on and on. it could be the c90 of the trials world !!

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What about the Beta fourstroke Woody? I've never had the pleasure of either but I do like fourstroke but I admit they can be 'different' to ride.....I've had a few older TLR's and one of the first Scorpa fourstrokes.

I was looking at a beta fourstroke in my mates shop the other day, very compact, does not look much different from the rev3.

Personal opinion obviously, I've had a go on a standard 250 and didn't like it. Couldn't get it through some nadgery and very slimy sections that I was cleaning on my KT250. Throttle response was too sharp and it was impossible to ride it through the sections on a whiff of throttle, it just span everywhere, so because of the sharp power I had to use the clutch when turns were tight. The clutch was on/off and bit far too fiercely which also span the rear wheel or pushed the front out. I was however, able to get it to burn and find grip from a standing start on the one section I tried it.

I also watched a rider capable of a few tricks trying to ride a 300 up a wet grassy slope a couple of weeks ago. He was cleaning it easily on his old 315 but couldn't touch it on the Beta, just span to a stop every time (brand new IRC fitted)

As I said, personal opinion only but they don't interest me.

A fully stickered/painted Repsol 4RT however I could easily have just to look at if money wasn't an issue

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Just add my two peneth'

Rode the Ilkley Grand National time and observation trial on saturday. Took bike off trailer filled with petrol, thrashed it as hard as possible for two hours non stop. Finished trial put bike back on trailer had cup of tea and bar of chocolate. watched several other folk limp back in with broken bikes (non of which were 4RTs). went home washed bike had tea and went out for half a gallon of beer.

Thats what I call a perfect day. Will spend an hour or so prepping for this weekends national and then repeat same procedure.

Please note I won't be asking for any technical information on TC because there's nowt to fix but chains and tyres.

So.... there is a lorra lorra luv right here for my 4RT!

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"Finished trial put bike back on trailer had cup of tea and bar of chocolate. watched several other folk limp back in with broken bikes (non of which were 4RTs). went home washed bike had tea and went out for half a gallon of beer."

Bl---dy Wuss

Got to have a gallon of beer at least.


maybe you need to try a technical request on how to attached a tax disc to 4rt

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