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Excuse My Ignorance But...


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Excuse my ignorance but...I am very new to the sport (weeks) but have been aware of the SSDT's for a long time and since being on here I have read numerous times about how concerned they are about losing sections etc, and rightly so, and hense why they make such a drive to stop spectators riding off road them self, however, I can't stop thinking it's all being used by the authorities to brake your back with!

By this I mean, the possible threat of losing things, surely it was be an enormous own goal for the local area, local authority, local land owners etc etc to make any attempt to stop things. The world attention the area gets, the influx of visitors, the money the local economy would make, it just doesn't ring true to....tell what I'm missing ??

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The SSDT uses vast tranches of private ground, there is no roving commission for the use of motorcycles, it is strictly at the behest of the landowners and in some cases their tenants. The trial organisers go to a lot of trouble to get the permission for the use of the competitors who pay a fair bit of money to ride the trial. Spectators pay? Yes you've guessed it, nothing!

The right to roam legislation does not apply to motorcycles either! That is why spectators are welcome on foot and should park their vehicles considerately or where directed to by Northern Constabulary during the week.

By venturing on to private ground with a motorcycle endangers the SSDT greatly, just read Highland Lassie's post about Leanachen Forest, that is Forestry Commission property, as is a heck of a lot of the course during the week. The Forestry have imposed a speed restriction on that section of the course and they are entitled to do so, it is their property!

It cannot be stressed enough that following the SSDT on a bike, unless it's on the public highway, is an absolute no-no situation!

Big John

Edited by Big John
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It's no different to a local club trial in as much as we only run with the permission of the land owner. Upset the land owner in any way and we loose the venue to trials. It's just that the SSDT has many land owners to keep happy over a vast area. Loose one important one and the others can't easily be joined up.

We should be on our best behaviour and take it as read that we do not follow on our bikes no matter how much we wish we could.

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Excuse my ignorance but...I am very new to the sport (weeks) but have been aware of the SSDT's for a long time and since being on here I have read numerous times about how concerned they are about losing sections etc, and rightly so, and hense why they make such a drive to stop spectators riding off road them self, however, I can't stop thinking it's all being used by the authorities to brake your back with!

Hiya DBF - I can't speak for anything other than the SSDT, but in our situation I can assure you that authorities aren't trying to break our backs - quite the opposite, everybody goes out of their way to help us.

90% of the SSDT is run across private ground, owned by some 100-ish different landowners, companies and authorities like the Forestry Commission. Some of these landowners give us use of the odd few acres here and there, others give us a large percentage of the ground we use. We don't just have to apply for access to the ground that we use for sections, we have to get access for every single bit of land that we cross. It takes around nine months of work each year to secure approval for us to use all the ground we need - we have to provide landowners with assurances about the bikes that will be run, the insurance we have in place (for riders and for public liability) and in most circumstances we have instructions that we have to adhere to closely if we're to be allowed back the following year.

If we cause problems on a piece of land, maybe on a random section in what appears to be the middle of nowhere, we could end up losing that ground for the future. It's easy to say 'so what'? One section, or one group, is easily replacable elsewhere - just route the trial a little differently. That in itself comes with its own problems, but what if the landowner that we've upset just happens to be one of the larger ones, and they also own the ground we need to access ten other groups of sections? That's the SSDT gone. Our concern isn't just about losing sections, it's about losing access to whole chunks of Lochaber - that's why illegal riding could put an end to a trial that's run for 100 years.

If it helps to have an example, look at the Leanachan article John's referring to. At the moment the focus is on two specific Forestry Commission routes that we use during the week where there's a large public presence unrelated to the SSDT (cyclists, ramblers, dog walkers, etc). If we have problems with speeding riders this year, we could lose the support of the Forestry Commission altogether, and that would be an absolute disaster - ask any rider whose ridden the trial, we rely on a huge number of forestry routes throughout the week, and without them we're stuffed.

By this I mean, the possible threat of losing things, surely it was be an enormous own goal for the local area, local authority, local land owners etc etc to make any attempt to stop things. The world attention the area gets, the influx of visitors, the money the local economy would make, it just doesn't ring true to....tell what I'm missing ??

You're right - losing the trial would be a huge own goal for the area, but it's not the area that own the ground. It's a series of individuals, and whilst we're very fortunate that they appreciate the benefits of the trial to their economy, we have to remember that they are doing us a favour by letting 300 motorcycles run amok on their property - they don't get anything out of it. They're under no obligation to let us back, and if we cause problems for them then we won't get back - the local economy won't be top of their list of priorities if we damage the ground they use for fishing, shooting, etc.

The bottom line is that the SSDT exists solely because of the goodwill of these landowners. They give us their ground for nothing - all we have to do is make sure we're fully insured and that we work within the limits they've given us. I don't think that's a lot to ask of anybody, and it's only fair that everybody respects those limits.

I'm sure to anybody unfamiliar with the trial it sounds like we're over-exaggerating issues, or making a fuss where none is required, but believe me, that's not the case. These are real issues that could affect the entire future of the SSDT - that's why we're shouting about them.

Hope that makes more sense now...or have you fallen asleep? :wall:

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You're right - losing the trial would be a huge own goal for the area, but it's not the area that own the ground. It's a series of individuals, and whilst we're very fortunate that they appreciate the benefits of the trial to their economy, we have to remember that they are doing us a favour by letting 300 motorcycles run amok on their property - they don't get anything out of it. They're under no obligation to let us back, and if we cause problems for them then we won't get back - the local economy won't be top of their list of priorities if we damage the ground they use for fishing, shooting, etc.

The bottom line is that the SSDT exists solely because of the goodwill of these landowners. They give us their ground for nothing - all we have to do is make sure we're fully insured and that we work within the limits they've given us. I don't think that's a lot to ask of anybody, and it's only fair that everybody respects those limits.

I'm sure to anybody unfamiliar with the trial it sounds like we're over-exaggerating issues, or making a fuss where none is required, but believe me, that's not the case. These are real issues that could affect the entire future of the SSDT - that's why we're shouting about them.

Hope that makes more sense now...or have you fallen asleep? :)

Now that's a fantastic reply :wall:

My posting was a genuine question/query and you've summed it all up perfectly and thanks for that.

To the other contributors, I may be new to the sport but I'm not wet behind the ears when it comes to land access we have up here and all the tree huggers etc, I know exactly what they are about and to clear things up, I have no intention of riding there when it's on or even when it's not, 120 miles to get there in a car/van to unload a bike is not for me, that's 120 glorious road biking miles I can get in to get there :D

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Thanks for clearing everything up folks, and I do sincerely hope that there are no issues with said "muppets"

I hope it's a fantastic week and everything goes well, and best of luck to ALL competitors :wall:

Must go, have my second ever trials tomorrow :)

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Ahh! AMCA event.

Thanks David.

Ah get oo'er yersell ffs, yer the second geezer already in the short time I've been on here has harped on about some politics pish that I could care less about :wall:

It's a fooking hoot to me, I'm having the time of my life, why can't ye all just bask in the glory of some sad old mid 40's dude having just taken up the sport and loving it :)

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