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1980 Montesa 123 Clutch Refurb


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The bearing in the clutch basket needs changing so I have removed the clutch basket from the bike but I am unable to strip the clutch down any further. Does anyone know what the tool used to compress the clutch to enable the pins to be removed looks like? I have had a tentative go using a vice but I do not want to damage anything.



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If you have a pillar drill use that. Bring it down onto the clutch assembly and use the chuck against the 'mushroom' that the clutch arm acts on in order to compress it. I used it for a 330 clutch so not sure if it is the same as a 200. Compressing the clutch enabled me to remove the large circlip that holds the plates and hub in the basket. The springs and pins remain in situ and don't need to be removed to allow removal of the plates and get to the bearing.

The 200 clutch may be assembled differently but the pillar drill should enable you to compress the assembly however it is designed.

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  • 1 month later...

I have managed to strip the clutch and replace the bearing. I now have another problem, the clutch is back on the bike and appears to operate OK but does not disconnect the drive :rolleyes: All the gears select in order both up and down the box and the plates ar not stuck together. Any info would be greatly received.



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  • 1 month later...

Yes finally got it working. I had put a washer on the output shaft next to the bearing before fitting the clutch basket. It should not have been there and when I tightened the nut on the the clutch the washer tightened on the shaft stopping it from rotating independantly from the basket. Removed washer and bingo fully working clutch, don'y know why I put that washer on there in the first place. Bike is now finished and not sure what to do with it, thinking of selling it but not sure of it's value. Will put a picture up in another thread.

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