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Ssdt Forum Changes


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With the 2010 Scottish literally just days away, I've made a couple of changes to the TC forums.

Firstly, I've split the normal SSDT forum out from the General forums and given it it's own category up top and more prominent for the duration of the Trial.

Secondly, and this is pretty cool (if you're a geek like me ;) ) you'll notice a seperate forum called "SSDT News Feed". We now have a little software "robot" watching the SSDT website. Whenever the organisers post an update to the SSDT website a new Topic will be created in the SSDT News Feed Forum with a summary of that update and a link that will take you to the full article on the SSDT site. Users will be able to post comments/replies to topics in the SSDT News Feed Forum, but you will not be able to create new Topics. Only our little robot can create topics in that Forum. Use the normal SSDT Chat forum for any new topics you wish to create.

There will also be changes made to the TC front page to automate the updating of news from the 2010 SSDT which will be implemented tomorrow before I head off to the Pre-65 :P

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With the 2010 Scottish literally just days away, I've made a couple of changes to the TC forums.

Firstly, I've split the normal SSDT forum out from the General forums and given it it's own category up top and more prominent for the duration of the Trial.

Secondly, and this is pretty cool (if you're a geek like me ;) ) you'll notice a seperate forum called "SSDT News Feed". We now have a little software "robot" watching the SSDT website. Whenever the organisers post an update to the SSDT website a new Topic will be created in the SSDT News Feed Forum with a summary of that update and a link that will take you to the full article on the SSDT site. Users will be able to post comments/replies to topics in the SSDT News Feed Forum, but you will not be able to create new Topics. Only our little robot can create topics in that Forum. Use the normal SSDT Chat forum for any new topics you wish to create.

There will also be changes made to the TC front page to automate the updating of news from the 2010 SSDT which will be implemented tomorrow before I head off to the Pre-65 :rotfl:

Much coolness!! Cheers Andy! :P

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