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Montesa 315r


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Hi all...

bear with me on this one..'cause i dont really know what Im talking about!!

My year 2000 Montesa 315 has quite a noticeable rattle to the engine note..(gets slightly less when warm). A few people here told me its probably the crank? bearing??..and they reckon it is common on these bikes.

I also mentioned to a mate that I guess its difficult to replace (for someone crap with spanners such as I)...but he reckoned there might be a shop in the UK that would kind of do you a swap. i.e ..instead of changing the bearing, I would send me crank....they keep mine, and they send me another with a new bearing already in it.

If anyone has any advice..I'd really appreciate it. Like..how much the bearing might cost/if I might be able to change it myself/ and/or if there might be a similar service available like I just described above.

Here in Hong Kong, it really does come down to me doing something about it myself...there arent any trials shops.

Cheers in advance for any help. :)

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There has to be a bike shop in Hong Kong. As long as you supply the parts they can do the work. All 2 strokes are pretty much the same internally.

If you have never split cases before and have no other help take it to a shop. There is more involved in the proper assembly than a few wrenches and a screwdriver.


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I find that most rattles that get better as the engine warms are from the piston.

I'd start with the top end. Even if you end out having to do the lower, you wouldn't want to put a 5-year-old top on a nice fresh bottom anyway.

A top end is also a job that a mechanically mediocre but CAREFUL owner can accomplish.

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Mmmm thanks guys...Charlie..someone else did suggest to me that it might be there bearing at the bottome of the piston?...(sorry I dont know anything about engines!!),,,or at least where the piston joins the arm thingy that holds the piston. Do you think it might be that??..and what would that bearing be called? THat one must be easier to change eh?!

Thanks Amiller...you're right..there are some good bike shops that would do the work..but I'd have to order the bits from UK first. SO just want to try and make a more educated guess which bits I might need, before opening the wallet! :)

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Hard to tell from here but It sounds like wrist pin bearing could be at fault. Charlie Chitlin is right about noises that get better as the engine gets warmer being piston related. If the lower rod bearing is bad a new crankshaft assy will be required (very expensive) as mr. Honda doesn't trust anyone to put in a damn rod kit. (almost every other manufacturer in the world will sell you a rod kit which must be pressed into crank by a machine shop) I thought you were a Beta owner Stu?

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THanks for all your help guys. Will definately check that out triton..at least I might be able to explain myself a bit better then!

There has been HOPEFULLY a small change of events too. It might be that someone wants to buy my Montesa, as it is..so might just get rid of it!

Yep I am a Beta owner Jay...and from now on, I ALWAYS will be. Bought this Montesa two months ago, as a second bike because it was cheap. Still runs OK..but I find it UNBELIEVABLY hard to ride compared to the Beta. SO much so, that I'd never even think of owning a MOnt again. Those world champs must be bloody good!..i could hardly bloody turn the thing without footing...feels so bloody heavy all the time, and suspension feels REALLY dead!!

ANyway..if the sale falls through, I will take all your advice and try to sort the thing out!

THanks guys! :):)

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Oh!...forgot to say..

regarding my last post!..please...all you Montesa fans out there..dont get offended by my last post....I'm well aware that is my crap riding ability that has made it hard for me to get used to a MOnt...NOT that I think Beta are easier or better...just what I'm used to!! :)

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