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Slipping Clutch 250 Txt Pro 2003


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I have just purchased this bike. When i got it the clutch was dragging making it difficult to select neutral. I replaced the clutch which sorted the dragging out but now i have slippage in the higher gears, I am using ATF in the engine. The clutch operated fine in 1st to 3rd but slips in 4th to 6th when riding hard. I do not appear to be loosing clutch fluid so have ruled out the actual hydralic system.

Does any one have any suggestions as to what the problemmight be.

I have thought the clutch operates right at the top of the lever action almost as if the lever is not allowing the clutch to fully enguage when i have let it out. Not sure if i should adjust the lever settings??

Clutch has done less than 5 miles since replacement.

Hope you can help me with this one.

Many thanks


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I have just purchased this bike. When i got it the clutch was dragging making it difficult to select neutral. I replaced the clutch which sorted the dragging out but now i have slippage in the higher gears, I am using ATF in the engine. The clutch operated fine in 1st to 3rd but slips in 4th to 6th when riding hard. I do not appear to be loosing clutch fluid so have ruled out the actual hydralic system.

any one have any suggestions as to what the problemmight be.

I have thought the clutch operates right at the top of the lever action almost as if the lever is not allowing the clutch to fully enguage when i have let it out. Not sure if i should adjust the lever settings??

Clutch has done less than 5 miles since replacement.

Hope you can help me with this one.

Many thanks



The clutch should usually be a drop-in affair provided you installed it with the thicker fiber plate first (if it is the normal set with two fibers the same thickness and one that is thicker than the other two, which adjusts the clutch pack thickness to give approximately 17.5mm finger height).

Be sure you have backed off the adjustment screw on the lever so that there is a little clearance where it meets the plunger on the M/C (the little cupped-end rod that goes through the rubber boot on the master cylinder). Usually, the most common cause of slippage is a too thin clutch pack which results in less pressure exerted by the Belville spring (probably not the case with a new clutch pack), but in rare cases improper assembly of the pressure plate assembly can do it.

Check that adjustment screw on the clutch lever first as that can cause a pressure build-up in the system with the lever out, which would make the clutch slip.


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Hi Jon,

Thanks for the advise. I have tried adjusting the lever but this has not sorted the problem. I am now going to remove clutch pack and do some measuring to ensure the pack is the right thickness. I did not detect a thicker friction plate when i put the pack in but i will check and keep you updated,

Thanks again,


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