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How To Re-fill Forks


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Hi, can anyone tell me how best to check the oil level in the forks.

- upon lifting the bike onto the rack at the weekend, I placed my hand under the left fork tube, and got an oily finger !

Don't know how much has come out, probably not much, but thought renewing wouldn't hurt.

I have just bought some neoprene fork savers, but haven't fitted them yet, so will be partially removing forks anyway......thought it would make good sense to re-fill now !

Can I just remove the bolt from the base and let it drain out, then refill from the cap at the top to a desired level ( want a measurement, not a capacity ), or is there more to it than this !

I suppose I want a " how to " on the easiest way to re-fresh fork oil. A kind of " fork oil for dummies "



ps, it says 5wt in the manual, but should I consider heavier as I'm around 15.5 stone.

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Not good to reply to my own posts but here goes.......

I had a look at the sherco website, superb. I feel let down now by scorpa for not having anything like this.

Anyway, there's lots of good maintenance tips on there, that can easily be transferred across brands, even a section about replacing fork oil, and its got piccies to.

Sherco, superb site !!!

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Not good to reply to my own posts but here goes.......

I had a look at the sherco website, superb. I feel let down now by scorpa for not having anything like this.

Anyway, there's lots of good maintenance tips on there, that can easily be transferred across brands, even a section about replacing fork oil, and its got piccies to.

Sherco, superb site !!!

Well, judging from the timing of your posts, I suspect you could have made a phone call to your dealer and got a quicker response. Seems I recall a slightly different quantity spec on the Scorpa Paioli forks vs the Sherco, yet at the same time it may be insignificant.

As far as your big ass goes, you may want to up to 7.5 grade if you are bottoming them out a lot on the downs. Your pick for plush ride or what suits! :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tonight I decided to change the fork oil, and was astounded by what came out......right leg - 210 ml / left leg - 120 ml... hmmmn ?

Also, the oil from the left leg was red, and felt slightly thicker than fork oil, I get the feeling it was ATF.

Time for a stupid question, After pouring the oil in the legs, and then pumping them a bit, do I screw the caps back on when the forks are fully extended ?

I noticed there is a bleed valve in the top of the left fork, but I can't see one on the right fork ?

Can somebody just point me in the right direction please, as I've never done them before !

By the way...I decided to use Motul factory line 7.5wt.



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Any ideas on the bleed screw (s)

I've put them back together now anyway, but seem to have a strange almost crunchy noise coming from the left fork area...not sure if it was there before though.

Doesn't sound wrong, just a noise...doesn't do it if I stand on the bike and bounce around a bit, only does it if I lean over the front wheel and really force it down hard, they're not bottoming out or anything.

Which way up does the plastic spacer go in the left leg, one end has a metal insert, the other doesn't.

Can't seem to download the parts list from Scorpa usa, not sure if the link is working or my pc going pear shaped ?

I let the bike stand on the forks, then undone the bleed screw (left fork) then tightened back up again - is this wrong ? I dont want to blow a seal !

I know.......I'm doing a bit of mithering, but I promise I'll stop soon ! ( NOT )


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