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Pro Cylinder Head Kit - Anyone Used One


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I currently have a 2009 txt pro 250 with a slow action throttle and a S3 flywheel weight.

The bike feels ok but I rode a Beta 08 and it is much slower on the take off than my Gasser, and I did not spin so much when riding a climb on it... (but that was the only thing I liked about it)

My question is that has anyone put slow action throttle, Flywheel Weight and a head spacer on a 09 250 and if so does the extra spacer for the head change the power a lot, as

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I've tried all these at different times on my wife's bikes. Slow tube is a matter of taste, most seem to like it, I don't and she says she can barely tell the difference. Head spacer doesn't make a huge difference but is a little softer. Flywheel weight is noticeable, kinda hard to describe what it does but you would likely see the biggest difference with it, kinda smooths it out.


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Thanks for your comments....

I noticed a big differnce with having slow throttle, and I really like the flywheel weight I found it smoothed out camber turns and didnt make the back wheel spin.....

Still undecided about the head spacer, my bikes runs real sweet engine wise, so nervous about taking anything apart (just me being paranoid), but I was told the head spacer makes a lot of differnce so I was put off, but from your comments it may just be the extra bit of smoothness that I am after....

Just wish I was good enough rider not to need to slow the thing down !!!

Thanks again

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I like to change the gearing as well. Always lower the final drive by changing the front sprocket to one less tooth. I think you'll find an 11 on there now, try a 10 tooth. It just slows everything down a notch which for me is good. It's not that expensive and easy to change back as long as you don't have to take a link out of the chain. Makes riding sections in second or even third gear easier.

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