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Beta Evo Oil ?


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Hi all woundering if anyone else has had this problem??? I have a 2010 290 evo engine oil been fine, change it after most trials, noticed with new oil in that it turned milkey, as in water with the oil??? has anyone had problems like this? could it be coolant getting in? Help please

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Just had a similar problem, and originally thought the usual i.e water pump seal, but unlikely as the bike had only done 5 trials.

Eventually found that a screw on top of the engine, behind the kick start, was loose. (kick start stop bolt??)

Unfortunately due the routing of the exhaust you need to either remove the exhaust or cut down an allen key to suit. However if this is the fault it is a relatively simple fix compared with the alternatives.


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Ive had sveral Betas and have always took the ignition cover off after every use .

I never got more than a bit of dampness in my REV3s but My current Evo seems to get really soaked.

After a jetwash it literally pours out when I remove the cover.

Ive spoke to lampkins and they told me they dont modify their team bikes . Its just part of the mainenance to remove the cover and let them dry naturally.

I have had trouble with the oil going milky ( more like grey emulsion paint) on my 2009 Evo. I changed the water pump seal (easy job) and it cured it straight away.

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I have the same on my 09 Evo, I washed it off on saturday got it out sunday put it on its stand and noice something dripping out of the flywheel cover tolk it off and found some water in there, I thought about putting a little sealer where both faces meet?? I also get milky gear oil how hard is it to replace that water pump seal??

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