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Correctness just hasn't reached your bit of Texas yet Mark has it.... :rolleyes::blink:

Funny you should mention it, I happen to be down on Galveston Island, Texas for a short time

(don't tell Copey, I'll never live it down....) and there must be something in the air or water in

Texas (besides the oil) that has an effect on people. I suddenly got this intense desire to be

politically incorrect, walk with a swagger and buy a huge black pickup truck and cut everybody

off in traffic.........:blink:


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Correctness just hasn't reached your bit of Texas yet Mark has it.... :rolleyes::blink:

Gee, I suppose I was a bit too harsh! Makes me just want to post one of them round wheel things up as a target on my bonny behind! Gee, Ham and I could have a party! Catch me, stab me style! Mmmmm! Friggin Nuts! :blink:

Mind you, I am not overly excited about those little cheap netbook things either! But as a comparison, here is an example.

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I'm sorry but I'm just about computer literate so I'm not that interested in buying the product, but if I was in the market for this type of gadget I just couldn't buy it....I mean that name, IPAD, do you put it down your IPANTIES?? :rolleyes:

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