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Tl125s Daytime Mot Question


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Hi, I'm new to the Forum & am hopefully buying a TL125S this weekend. It has a V5 but has never had an MOT. It doesn't have lights/brake light, speedo or a horn. Am I correct in thinking that the only one of these things I need for a daytime MOT is a horn? I read somewhere that it should have a continuous tone, I noticed Sammy Miller do a battery one which looks a good one to get. Plan is to use the bike for gentle green laneing, I've always liked these & with me being short I think it would be a good bike for that purpose.


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Hi, welcome to TC.

Your best bet is to talk to your MOT tester as some are not always up to speed when it comes to daytime MOT 's. Some will say a bulb horn will do and some don't. You don't need a speedo for the test but you do before you ride on the road. A rear red reflector will need to be fitted as well. Obviously all other things that come into the test will need to be right. Good luck.

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